Hot Fuzz

Discussion in 'Movie Reviews' started by bluelinescooby, May 5, 2007.

  1. Good movie, if you enjoy British comedy...... like Shaun of the Dead it's not the all-out comedy that the previews would lead you to believe..... and it's a little corny...... great movie nonetheless :D

    And the police car he gets at the end is great, I'm slightly jealous :bigthumb:
  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Hah, Ive really been wanting to see it. Thanks!
  3. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    this movie is fantastic...I absolutely loved it.

    by the power of greyskull LOL

    p.s. I am jealous of that car too
  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Honestly, I was pretty disappointed. It had its funny parts, but the last 20% or so was corny to me.
    That I can completely agree with :)
  5. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    It was pretty slow at first, then it really picked up at the end. I did enjoy it though.
  6. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Is it supposed to be the exact characters from Sean of the Dead(yes, I know their the same actors...)????
  7. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    It was like either you got into it or you didn't.

    It did start out slow as hell and there were definitely a lot of corney parts to it.
  8. Nope, completely different characters, although you can see some similarities with the characters from Shaun of the Dead if you look closely......
  9. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I agree with you. Complete let down after Shaun of the Dead. The very end was the best part of the movie.

    By the Power of Greyskull was also good.

    It seemed to really drag towards the end. I couldn't wait for it to end.
  10. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Looks like a renter.... Shaun of the Dead was pretty funny for the most part.... Hey, you have red on your shirt!
  11. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Member

    I absolutely loved that movie! I thought it was hilarious. I am a HUGE fan of Shawn of the Dead, and although it was pretty much the same cast and crew the 2 movies had nothing to do with each other(already covered I think).

    The movie was solid. If you watch it and wait for something to happen(kinda like when I went to go see "Lady in the Water":pssh:) then you prolly won't enjoy it as much.

    :bowdown: I felt like a total idiot at the theater when he was drivin THE car in the last scene. I was like almost cheering...:eek:
  12. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    For those of us that don't know British slang, "Gobble" means BJ.
  13. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Hahaha. Awesome.
  14. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    I just saw this film yesterday, and I liked its' ridiculousness. I think it's worth seeing in the theater.

    I laughed at how they referenced the action movie "Point Break" which I watched several times for its' unintentional cheesiness.
  15. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Argueably the greatest movie of all time. Keanu and Swayze, how could it go wrong :)
  16. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I liked it, but like Jason said, it did drag on a little...I liked the WRX police car also...LOL...


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