How much did your insurance go up...first ticket

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by 5spdfrk, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    Just curious how much your insurance went up with your first ticket. This is actually my second, the first I was able to plead nolo. I'm gonna try to talk with the court solicitor, and the cop but considering it was city police that pulled me over, and city court, I doubt I will be able to swing too much. I really cant afford this right now, because of school and other stuff.

    Depending on how much and how long my insurance goes up, I thought about an attorney, but that's just that much more money. Any advice would be appreciated.:wtc:

    Oh, by the way, the ticket was for "running a red light."
  2. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    Locust Grove police?
  3. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

  4. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    sorry to hear stephen...i've heard that you can opt to take a class, and have it wiped off your record. i also heard that if you show up to court, and the cop doesn't show, that its wiped off too? i say show up, and see what happens. dang..i know ur pain..been there bro.
  5. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    Thanks man! Yeh, I have to first plead not guilty, and then they give me a trial court date. If the cop doesnt show at the trial court date, then I think its dropped. I would prefer not to have to rely on that though.
  6. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    a lawyer is the best way to go (if you can afford one)... i'll PM you a contact
  7. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    Use Milo's lawyer. My brother in law had 2 tickets in one week and he managed to get him out of both.
  8. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    My insurance didn't go up at all.

    If you don't give insurance any reason to pull your driving record, ie calling and complaining, or changing your rates, etc...they won't even know you had a ticket.

    I had a ticket in Sept I think for doing 85 in a 55. ~$300 Fine. Paid it. My Insurance renewal came up 3 months ago. My rates went down.

    I was expecting my rates to stay the same or go up slightly.
  9. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    Milo, thanks for the number. I will definitely hold on to that.

    I talked to a local lawyer today, and he said it's not worth my time getting a lawyer. It would end up costing me more to pay him, then to just pay the ticket. He, like Jason, doesn't think my insurance will go up at all.

    I still plan to fight it, because honestly whats to lose? I have to pay the fine one way or the other, may as well try to represent myself or hope the cop doesnt show.

    Thanks for the info all!
  10. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    correct me if im wrong:

    if u decide to plead 'not guilty', the u go to trial... if found guilty, u will need to pay the ticket and court fees
  11. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    That sounds correct. Court fees aren't too much iirc, could be wrong though.
  12. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    sorry to hear dude,I gotta spend three hours today and tomorrow in class to get points taken off.
  13. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i believe they are upwards of $75
  14. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Sounds about right! I am a retired traffic court pro......

    Just pay it, less of a headache

    Insurance should not go up, trust me. Back in college I got a ticket for 102/70 (father was sick). Paid max out fine, kept my license, no class, no insurance change.....oh, and I was 20
  15. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    A lot of times they just want the money anyway.
  16. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    Hmmm, you guys make good points. I, for some reason, was thinking that court fees were like 20-30 extra, but 75 is a bit excessive. Sounds like I just need to pay it and hope for the best. That sucks. My insurance policy renewal comes up in july, so I guess we'll see. Thanks again!

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