I just got into a fight!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by FTZ, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Well sort of. Story goes like this.

    For those who don't know, I am back in PA visiting my Parents for my mom's birthday, and 4th of July. Kinda the only time I take a vacation out of GA each year.

    Well anyways, this weekend is my last weekend here and I come back to GA Monday. So I am out downtown in Harrisburg PA with my friend Matt, and a couple of my old friends from work here. We are out at 2nd St, with is kind of like a really, really small Buckhead. We had done some Bar hopping earlier in the evening, and ended up at this place called Tom Sawyer. It's a diner, with a huge outside deck and a bar. We've been here for about an hour and a half, bars are closing within the about an hour or so, the place is clearing out. These 3 guys come in and one of them just sits down at are table and tries to be a drunk idiot and hit on one of my friends. We aren't into it, and tell him to leave. He gets up and goes to the table that his friends are at right next to us.

    10 minutes later and a few more of my friends show up, Doug, Hack and Chris. They are going to sit down and dickhead slaps Chris on the ass. WTF. A couple minutes later and dickheads friends taps him, and he stumbles back and bumps in to Hack, and is just sitting up against him for him for a minute or two.

    He gets pushed off and his gone for about ten minutes, then he comes back, tried to talk to 3 girls that are leaving, and gets shot down. He gets pissed, picks up a plastic chair and throws it at my friend Doug. Doug gets pissed, jumps up and starts moving toward the guy. At this point, we were all like fuck it, lets just go. Doug is pulled away and we leave. We walk out and dickhead follows us. My friend Denise goes up to him screeming. Doug is right there too. Dickheads Big Fat 330 pound friend is blocking Doug saying that his buddy is just drunk and to just walk away, kinda trying to stop everything. Doug blocked, the others are saying just pull Denise away and lets go. I go up to pull Denise away and dickhead sucker punches me in the face.

    After dickhead punched me, he jumps back a bit, and I am pissed, ready to kill. Me being the Bionic Man that I am, I don't have fast movement because of my legs. Anyways, I start walking toward him, and Denise, Rachel and Heather are pulling me back. Big Fat Man gets infront of me to block again, and then Doug and Chris are there pulling me away too.

    At this point, Denise, Heather, and Rachel won't let go of me until we are up the street, Doug, Chris, and Hack have to go back up in the direction of dickhead to get to their car, but dickhead was pushed by Big Fat Man in the opposite direction as we were leaving, so the coast seemed to be clear.

    The girls drive me back to my car and then have to drive Chris to his car. After the left me, as they were pulling back around to drop Chris off, they saw dickhead again on the side of the road, being cuffed by the police and taken off to jail.

    I have a black eye, but justice was served. I really wanted to kill that fucker for swinging at me for no reason. I wasn't coming at him in a threatening way, I was just trying to pull my friend away so we could leave.

    Anyways, thats my story.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2006
  2. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Weak sauce. I'd like to have beat that guys ass for you, and i wasn't even there.
  3. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    I don't fight anymore, don't know if I'm getting old or what... Just seems a whole lot better to walk away. I know there's temporary satisfaction beating the crap out of some dumbass... but its not worth going to jail for. Just don't lay your hands on my girl, thats a different story...
  4. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    just think, if you did get to him , he probably woudln'tve gotten arrested at some point..
  5. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Either that, or I would have gotten arrested along with him.
  6. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    I would have rolled down the window and laughed SO hard at him...

    If y'all had gotten into it, this thread would likely have been "I just spent the nigt in jail..." Much better to watch him get "hooked up."

  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i dunno what i wouldve done in a similar situation... i have a little bit of a temper issue and don't take instigation very well... its worse when i have some alcohol in me... been in a handful for fist fights over the years but luckily never had any legal ramifications... after every fight, i have felt good but the next day i think 'what if?'

    glad the guy was arrested for his actions... even glader that you didn't get anything more than a black eye
  8. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    well technecally
    if someone hits u in any manner that posse threat to you or someone of ur knowning family or friends... if he hits u first then u have a full right to defend yourself.. also if he was drunk and hit you then he automatically goes to jail for it also.. u wont go to jail for defending urself but u have to go to the polic station to right a report on him or something.. it's more lawish thinking if you wanna head that way.. but i was in 1 fight where i was surrounded by 5 guys and i had my bb gun on me [p 22] it didn't have a 22 cal but has bb rounds in it and the gun did act like a real one.. i pulled it out and made my escape good thing is they didn't have gun or they could fire at me and ran away.. moral of the story is try not to get into fights if it's preventable then prevent it..
  9. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    the whole self defense thing is a grey area as far as im concerned... u could be defending yourself from 5 guys but if they testify that you attached the first, then ur screwed...

    dont quote me on this but if someone hits u and u hit back, u can both be arrested regardless of who started it... however if u turn around and he hits u in the back, then u can fight back... then the iffy part is proving that u did get hit in the back
  10. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    reminds me of the days when I had a bat in the trunk brassnuckles in my back pocket and a retractable night stick in the door oh yeah my gun was in the glove compartment oh and a tazer thingy but ended up giving it to my gf at the time. what happened was I got jumped on time by 4 people claiming I was someone else. let's just say it never happened again. What me... a threat:naughty: noooo.
  11. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    There's good news for Georgia residents:

    Early this July Georgia just passed the "Stand Your Ground" Law with a bunch of other legislation.

    "Introduced by 7th District Senator Greg Goggans (R-Douglas), S.B. 396, commonly referred to as the "Stand Your Ground Bill," passed the Georgia Senate by an overwhelming majority on March 2. It declares that a person has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm."

    Quoted link here:


    Another link:


    Well the 5 against one scenario would suck, but if 5 assholes are ganging up on a victim at least a few of the assailants may have an arrest record. That could deminish the credibility of their testimony, and if the victim has a clean record argument may hold weight in a criminal court. I think that could cast enough resonable doubt to save the victim from a conviction in criminal court, but I think civil court is a different story.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2006

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