i was just thinking there are a few of us with a girlfriend or a wife. i think it might be a cool idea for us to have a get together where we bring our girls to meet eachother..?? any thoughts?
Sounds good; my gf is currently in NJ right now, however, I'd be more than game to meet the other halves of everyone else :bigthumb:
haha sure, my girlfriend always thinks its funny that I go and hang out with you guys. I think she'd be up for something (take your girl to Andretti meet . . .?).
i'll drag my gf out, she thought it was funny that kris and john came up to SoG when I was there to say what's up
Now might be a good idea to bring up the topic of "Memphis dollars." It's a running joke between my friends... when I was part of the national f-body (Camaro/Firebird, mostly 4th gens) association, we had annual meets in Memphis. As quite a few guys brought their significant others, there was concern about the SOs finding out how much people actually spent on their mods... thus, the concept of the Memphis dollar was created. The value of the Memphis dollar was fixed at 1/10th of the US dollar. So when the guys discussed mods, you'd hear lines like "Well, the Vortech and fuel pump set me back $350..." -- you'd of course translate this into US dollars to arrive at $3500.
My wife braved the NCAA G2G at Taco Mac the other night. I thinknit would be cool if there were other females around once in awhile.
haha does she really think that? I've got friends that before I got into hanging out with WRX folks thought that all Suby owners were lesbians/ scientist people.
thats true, she just loves to give me hell about my "ugly blue car that looks like a sentra but just happens to be fast". If u can't tell she is not a big fan of the rex. She likes her G35, to bad my car is faster.:evil:
Yeah. People are like "You're car looks like a Corolla!" which pisses me off. But then I just think how I could whoop their car's ass! My sister is one of the people that gives me crap about my car, but then I make fun of her for having a soccer mom car. (325i sedan)
I've had my car for 2 months and I still haven't got any girls... I thought that driving this car was a chick magnet!! Plus being in a band!!!!! What the hell!! Oh wait, I'm 32... too old for them. Plus I have a daughter. Oh well. My ex says that I've got a cute car. Cute? WRX's are badass... Not cute! At least my daughter thinks my car is cool!!!! And she's not even five! She knows what's going on!!! Hahaha!! -drums