Im pissed

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by emstraumajunke, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. im pissed with extended update

    Well my cars put together and it ran good for about 30 miles now its hessating like a bitch and acts like it dont have any power. So i pay a guy 700$ to put my motor together cause i didnt feel to comfortable doing that and he installed the motor, Now its got the hessataion aloud hissing noise, and runs rough as shit. Is this common in the swap in the 1st few miles. The reason im asking will im alreay out 700$ but i want to know if im going to have to take it somewhere to get it looked at. I tried to do some datalogging but my laptops shot and wont work so i can t really do that so im kinda just lost and noone here (where i live) knows really how to help me. Ok well back to more research...not to mention the guy wont anwser his phone
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2006
  2. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    uh oh, that doesn't sound very good.

    I'd do my very best to find someone with a working laptop to get some logging done.
  3. Last edited: Oct 24, 2006
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    woah, wtf.
  5. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

  6. Hes suppose to be comming over her ein a few to check the timming and everything else
  7. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    Don't panic yet. Something small like an intake leak can cause issues like that.

    I am sure you have gone over the hoses but check again. Check the hose that goes to the fuel pressure regulator and the mess of hoses behind the alternator.
  8. I have I finally got the guy comming over here in a few and we are going to go over everythign with a fine tooth comb and hopefully get it fixed right or hes giving back the money and ill take it somewhere that can. or ill mess with it till tis right., I think im more pissed about my car not running after paying someoe to do something I could of done if i didnt get so dam nervous about it
  9. Ok where do i start.
    As most know my engine went in my wrx so i order 2400$ worth of stuff from Mastro subaru in Tampa. Well it all comes in and i find a subie mech ( so he says) that works at the local dealer downtown to put the engine together. Well a few wekks go by and its finally done. Ready to be put in so i take the car over there and we get started on the job. I started getting curious abouthis knowledge when we were putting the motor in and i was figuring out most of the things that needed ot be done. well anyways took us over 12 hours to put the motor in and well its was running like shit back firing and dieing just nasty shitty type of running. So i went home pissed and figured out the coil pack were backswards. Problems solved right YEP for about 30 fucking miles. So i go for a drive last night and about 20 miles into the car starts spitting and sputtering and not wanting to go or anything so i limp it home call Ben and he said hell have to make a phone call and see whats up. So i say ok and go to bed.
    I wake up this morning and still no cal So i start gettng pissed and call him No anwser, so i wait till 1:19 pm and call on his lunch break and he anwsers I tell him the timming off i need it fixed by Thurs night so i can drive the car to mississippi. He says hell try to get over her by then I say ive already paid you you need to come make this right. He agrees and tells me hell get off work alittle early to come take a look at it. Well 430 comes 5 gets here and then 6pm shows up no call or anything iso i call him and well ofcourse straight to voice mail so i leave a message 8 pm comes around no call back so i call again of course heres the voice mail so i leave anothe rmessage which basicly said im taken my car to a place that car fix it right you need ot give me the money back.

    Well after all that being said i feel im gettin gscrewed so i decided to check on a few things he was suppose to replace One sti dipstick and dip stick tube yea its the same one that was there when i gave him the motor so he didnt fix the pullies he was suppose to fiw as well im betting.
    He cahrged me 700$ for build and install ( me helping)
    Said i owed the service depaertment 100+ for parts needed
    I told him 700 was to much and i feel i should only have to pay 500 so he agess 500 plus parts and a he was going to get my ac recharged thurs before i left for the coast . SO the total was 700$ of course and i pay him in check.
    So now i got to figured out how to go about small claims court in Jefferson county alabama.
  10. jonnyboy0150

    jonnyboy0150 Member

    Thats shitty dude, I'd be pissed!

    But if it ran fine for a while, I don't think timing would be the issue. Are there any other symptoms besides sputtering/stalling?
  11. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    :mad::squint::mad: hope it works out man jeeze.
  12. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    I hope it is something small. I know this has been asked before, but try taking off the tmic and tightening everything down then putting it back on. It is crazy what one little boost leak, no matter how small can really do. The boost gauge I could hear vacuum and boost leak, the output on the turbo going to the Ic I could not hear except when under boost and it really ran like complete shit. Really, these symptoms sound exactly like what I was experiencing. It could also be timing, but hard to say. My thoughts, verify that it is not a boost leak first as that is an easier fix. Tighten and re-tighten everything one more time, if that does not work, try taking the timing belt off and replacing it again to verify it went on right the first time.

    As for small claims court, I am not sure how it works there, but here you just go down to the county where the person you are filing a tort against lives and file it. It is only like a $50 fee here. Again not sure what it is there, but here you can also go in without a lawyer. The bad part is it is going to be tough to get him to collect...just because a judge rules in your favor does not mean the process is over. Be prepared to go back a couple times to the court. I have seen quite a bit of this in my time as a cop. We had people asking us to go arrest Billy Ray because he did not pay like the court said. Well that is all good and well, but until the judge makes a decision and issues a warrant, not much we or the victim can do.
  13. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    Here are some things to check.

    Do you have the stock inlet hose? He may have trashed it trying to get it back over the turbo. Sure it would be on tight but it could be torn. The easiest way to check for leaks is to pressure test the intake. Hit up SOG and they can tell you how to make a piece to test with.

    Did it run perfect or just ok when you got the coil packs on right and have you pulled the codes since?
  14. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    We've done maybe 10 or 12 hybrids in the last few months... some require MASSIVE changes in the fueling to run right. The hissing certainly could be a boost leak, or even a inlet leak (it is HARD to put an inlet on more than a few times without tearing it up).

    A "possible" reason for it running well for 30 miles is that it took that long to get into limp mode... then it runs poorly...

    Get some logs. If you can get me some highway cruising at between 2.2 and 2.6 maf volts. That will let me set your injectors. If the fuel trimming is within 3 or 4 percent of 0, get me some logs at idle and I can trim your idle...

    This can all be done by e-mail. This is of course assuming that the mechanical install is correct...

  15. I would go throught and check everything again, but sence he lied to me about something so small with the sti dipstick and tube there is no telling what else ive been lied to about. So in the intrest of my investment im taken it to the guy that put a guys down heres car together and be done with it and pray that i can get the guy that screw me in small claims court unles he calls me today and says come get your money back. (which i dont see happening) As for the logging i tried to do that yesterday but for some reason it wont save to my laptop an dthe car kept diein garound the neighborhood and I didnt want to risk messing the car up again.
  16. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    ouch, sorry man, good luck with everything
  17. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Have you tried checking all of the ground wires? When I had my 240 with the SR20DET it was doing the same thing after I installed it. Come to find out, all it was were a few ground wires that I forgot to connect. There should be one from the engine->chassis, tranny->chassis, and body->chassis, there may be more, not sure though
  18. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Wow amazing that grounds could cause something like that...but I guess when my buddy had his main ground go out on his prelude his car crapped out on him pretty bad too. I had not thought of that.
  19. Its in the hands of the dealer now. I droped it off for them to tear down and rebuild cause i dont trust anythign this guy has done.
  20. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    well sorry to hear this. :(

    good side is that it's in the dealer's hands now and should come out good.
  21. i had the same problem with my conquest when I had the engine rebuilt. and it was a shadetree mechanic that did it too. The guy said he worked at a dealership, and he could save me money by doing it himself.

    Turned out that it cost me the same amount of money as a dealership, and it took 10x longer and many trips back and forth to get it done.

    The engine blew again within 5K miles.

    I'll never go shadetree again.
  22. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Man I honestly really wish you the best of luck. I feel you on this as I had the same thing happen with my DSM and then I started building the engines myself. It's not hard just time consuming. That's why I'm doing my own 2.5L swap.
  23. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Any new news?
  24. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Yup curious what it was as well.
  25. My eamil to ben
    This is my last attempt to try to contact you. I would like to give you one last chance to make this right. I hope that you are the type of guy I thought you were, and you contact me.
    After you didn't show up at my house Tuesday night and haven't returned my phone calls, I began to get concerned that maybe you didn't do the job you were supposed to have done correctly. I called a friend who also has a STI to come over so that we could compare a few things between my car and his. What I found is concerning. You did not change the dip stick. It is still the WRX dipstick. We discussed ordering the correct one - which you were supposed to order from your work and put in my car. This piece, however small, is vital for determining the accurate oil level in my car. If in fact, you ordered and used the correct dipstick I would like to see the receipt showing you purchased it. The car is hesitating very badly. I called you about it and you agreed to come to my house and figure out the problem. You nevered showed up and have not returned my countless attempts to reach you by phone.
    To cause further concern, I spoke with Jim Burke Subaru on 10-24-2006 to ask if you were a Mechanic or a helper; they informed me that you are a helper. That is a misrepresentation of your qualifications. When we first spoke and numerous times after that initial conversation you told me that you are a CERTIFIED mechanic. That was a bold faced lie. If you were not qualified to do the job, you should not have taken on the task. I put confidence in the statements you made and your ability because I believed you were a certified mechanic. $700.00 dollars is alot of money to pay; don't you think if that if I had money to blow I would have just taken the car to Subaru to begin with. The money I gave you to fix my car I had to borrow.
    Ben, I am getting my car assessed and fixed by a Certified Mechanic at Subaru. I just want you to know, that a list of problems created by your build and installation will be returned to me when the car is completed. If necessary I will pursue this further, LEGALLY. I would hope that you would do the responsible thing by contacting me to return the extra parts and my money. Attorney fees, court costs and the repair costs to my car for damages you caused, due to misrepresenting yourself as a mechanic, will be much more expensive then returning my 700.00 dollars and parts.
    I hope you'll contact me ASAP. I hope that we can settle this outside of court.

    His Reply:

    Who did you talk to a Jim Burke and I am a certified tech I have the proof to show you and you half to pay me for my time to build your engine and you can have your extra parts.It is possible that parts Dept ordered the wrong dip stick.Would you do something for free I don't think so.I am sorry i havent hade time to call you.

    my reply:
    Not sure of the guys name. I called to talk to you after you didn't return my call on Monday evening. I'm going by what I was told and what it looked like to me when you didn't return my calls. As for the Dip stick, is there a receipt for the part and I will need the old dip stick back.
    It takes 10 seconds to make a phone call and touch base with someone. You could have shown me that courtesy. Put yourself in my shoes, I gave you 700$ and then you fall off the face of the earth; what would you think? I absolutely did not expect you to work for free, however, I did expect the job to be done correctly and the car to run without problems. It probably would not have escalated to this point if you would have just picked up the phone and shown some effort to help me!

    I do need all the left over parts that were on the table in the kitchen as well as the stock exhaust manifold and the cover for the bottom of the engine. Please drop them off at the gas station when you pick up your wife from work and I will pick them up. Email me and let me know when they are there and where they are at.


    And I have yet to hear from him IM guess he has to dig up an old WRX dip stick for my car.
  26. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Thats sucks big time. I hope everything works out for you here.
  27. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    The court is going to have a field day with this guy.
  28. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Yep he's screwed if he is trying to shaft ya. Don't fall into the 'I assure' ya bluff. Nail his arse.
  29. No im taking this as far as i can...Hopefully hell be liable for all charges that i have no gotton after his work
  30. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    Do you have any written contract/signature type things?
  31. Just him cashing the check and about 5 whitness that were there when the conversation started, and video footage of him try to look smart while installing the engine
  32. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Don't forget the email that you put on here showing that he did represent himself as a certified mechanic and admitting that he did the work...all good stuff.
  33. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Any update on what happened/what was wrong?
  34. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Did you check if the MAF was clean? Also you may want to try the generic grounding mod, I had some hesitation in my car and that fixed all of it.
  35. LIttle update
    As of last Friday the engine was out of the car and they were going to tear it apart on mon and hopefully get it back together by fri. As of the things done wrong not to sure yet I wont call and bug the guy up at the dealer cause well i dont want him to rush and I figure ive been with out the car this long why rush it. Hopefully ill get it back mon with a nice report of the guy was a total Uck up and then on to small claims court I go. Just suck that i got to wait till i get the car back before i can presue it.
  36. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    That really sucks man. I just bought a 2.5 block today so I'll be going through the same process (hopefully without the bad end result!) sometime in the next couple months.
  37. Just take your time and make sure you remember what gose where, If i wouldnt of siked myself out i would of done all of it by myself but i got worried and kinda scared myslef which in return lead this is to costing way more then i had to spend. Good luck on your build i got a thread somewhere where i went kinda step by step on certain parts and theres a list of tools that you will need.
  38. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Believe me I will be finding as many of the threads as possible and compiling them. Right now I am not sure if I am going to do this in my car port or try to find a garage to work in. My father in law has a sweet set up in his basement that I might try to convince him to let me use...he has every tool that I could name and then some, lol. Plus he lives close and loves to tinker...he is the same one that is planning on building an AC Cobra kit car.
  39. Pull the motor put it somewhere you can sit and be comfortable and relaze while doing it....If you have help thats even better I didnt have any help not to mention it was the 1st time i broke a motor apart.
  40. Update again. I called the dealer to figure out where he was on this and the motors together and going back in today hes said Mon i can get it maybe tomorrow just depends on how it pans out.
    BUt what he found wrong was
    one the cams gears were backwards the intake gasket was tore causeing the leak. Im not sure as to what teh cam gears being backwards would cause but i dont htink it would be good. When i say backwards intake was on exhaust and exhaust was on intake.
  41. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Note to self to label these, lol
  42. label those and the buckets in one of my post you can see where i used a sharpie and wrote on them
  43. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    The gears are not perfectly the same. Therefore your timing was most likely pretty out of whack. Glad you didn't bend a valve.
  44. Well thats good then. Now they can swap them out, and it will be on the road in no time. Better that than the crank bearings were damaged or some such...

    swap em and go!!
  45. yep. BUt im going to feel 900 times better now that it was done right.
  46. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    :bowdown::bowdown:I know you will!!
  47. The last email has been sent to him, Tomorrow ill be at the court house filling out the paperwork that is needed
  48. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Good luck at with the court deal... Gotta hate having to head that route with people :(

    Let us know how the car rides once you get the engine back in

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