In case you didn't know...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by bluetwo, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    The coil-overs to an 05+ STi won't fit on an 06 WRX.

    Apparently Somebody had no idea this was the case since when I asked them to order some Tein coil-overs for my 06 WRX they decided to order a set for the 05+ STi.

    Now my only chance to put coil-overs on this or next month is completely wasted.

    For anyone who doesn't know I drove more than 5 hours to have these put on and today and tomorrow are the only days that this can be done. But since it takes like two to three days for anything to come in there is absolutely no chance that they could order the RIGHT SET for my car. If anyone knows of a place that stocks and can install coil-overs for the 06 WRX please let me know.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  2. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    damn sorry to hear about your luck. i know your mad but im sure it was an honest mistake.
  3. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    that is surprising, they should have known that
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Can you just go ahead and order the tophat piece so it fits the 06?
  5. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    its not the top hat, its the lower mounting area that has changed, he woul dhave to order a replacement peice but it should come out of his pocket SoG shoul dbe held accountable
  6. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    I think it's whole wheel assembly that changed. We all know the lug pattern offset is different and while that and the lower mounting areas bolt pattern being different for 05+ cars doesn't necessarily mean the whole unit is different, it just makes sense to me that they would have two completely different assembly's.
  7. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    the bottom piece of your coilovers most likely can screw off, correct? if so then all you need to do is replace those with the correct piece. im sure subaru of gwinnett will exchange just that part if not the whole assembly.
  8. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    I hadn't thought of that. I'm not at SOG anymore though so I guess I can call them to see if that's feasible. The only solution they offered me while I was there was to go upstairs to see if by some off chance there might be a set there that I could use.

    I guess this just go's to show that no matter how much planning and preparation a person puts into something the people holding the ball can completely mess things up anyway.
  9. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    Mike at Sakari can get them for you. He is a vendor on the board. He can also install them for you. Shoot him a PM.
  10. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Thanks. I'll do that.
  11. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Are we sure that the rep at Tein didn't mess up when they called to order? I have had company reps tell me that a part fits a certain model year when it, in fact, doesn't....Subaru in particular seems to invert, rework and generally muck about with the suspension on the impreza more than other manufacturers....
  12. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    I'm not absolutely sure, but they weren't as forthcoming about the subject as I thought they should be leading me to believe they didn't want to get too in depth about it.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  13. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    that is a very good point Scott
  14. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    wait they let you go upstairs? Ive always wanted to go up there!
  15. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Naw. All I got was sorry but we can't help you.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  16. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    good luck with this.
    hopefully, they'll get it straightened out for you.

    I know I'd be a little mad if I'd made that drive and had that
  17. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Thanks I appreciate you saying that. The bottom line is I'm through with SOG. Every experience I've had with them has been crap. Scott has failed to deliver the kind of power he told me he could get, mainly because Ecutek is a bunch of schmucks and my having to drive 5 hours up here and then 5 hours back for no result was just the final straw.

    Besides I couldn't come back up here to get the situation resolved even if I wanted to.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  18. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    but thats not quite scotts fault though if ecutek hasn't come up with a solution for the '06 issues
  19. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    scott never guarantees numbers, he may have told you what a similar car may have made but i highly doubt he told you what your car would make. Im sorry that you are having issues with ecutek, but that really isnt scotts fault if the 06's dont like something.

    best of luck with everything.
  20. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    dang man sorry to hear that good luck with it.
  21. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    bluetwo: PMd you
  22. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Thanks brotha.

    And to be honest I'm not trying to be a baby about all this but damn. It's so disapointing.
  23. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    ...being a baby? C'mon, no way. SoG offered you something and didn't deliver. That's not being a baby, how dealers earn bad raps. Thumbs down to SoG on this one.
  24. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Well, then go and get AP and run some off the shelf maps. That should at least give you a few off the shelfs maps until you can go to someone to have it tuned. I have been with Scott for many many tunes, start to finish, and Ive never heard him promise a number. Interest, I guess that's a first if this is the case.

    I feel like you should be aware that the 06 issues are common all over this country, every tuner is working diligently with their software and knowledge to work around it. Every car is really different, even though every tuner can start with a basemap off a car with simialr mods, each car performs and acts differently. Subaru's have their own personalities. There's nothing I can say if SoG ordered the wrong part, they made a mistake. If you gave them a chance to redeem themeselves and they still screwed up then move on! No need to hang around one place merely because everyone says to.

    Step forward from this and move onward! I hope you can get a set of coilovers soon, and anytime you are in town, I would be more than glad to help you install them along with any other part for the car.

  25. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Well....isnt this a nice way to end/start a week.
  26. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Thanks Alex. I'm sure that moving on is the right thing to do. I wish I had known that the 06 2.5's were such a pain before I decided to get the tune but you live and learn.

    So anyone who reads this knows that I'm not just trying to bash SOG, they did offer to get the right parts shipped for me but it would have taken until Wednesday or Thursday for them to arrive and of course I'd be 5 hours away by then. All this experience has taught me is to have mods done locally if possible because when you rely on other people you just never know if they'll get it right or not.

    I never posted that Scott promised me anything either. But for the benefit of anyone with an 06 WRX, Ecutek is definitely not the way to go for now. So far the only answer they've given us is, "there is no solution" to the timing issues. I do believe they'll come up with one however which is why I haven't bought an AVCR.

    Obviously I was pissed off when I started this thread. It's been two days since then and I'm just over it now. I'd still like to consider everyone I met here a friend cause it is a cool board.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2006
  27. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    There were 3 wratlanta members in the car with me, and one standing next to it when I called parts to order your coil-overs. I'll see if I can get them to post here.

    Not only did I REPEATEDLY specify '06 WRX, but I had our parts department call 2 of our vendors, then I called another and one of the members tried to call a shop he knew trying to get them cheaper and easier. At 3 in the afternoon it was hard to get anybody to ship that day....

    Bluetwo, I am VERY sorry you had to drive up and back for nothing. I truly apologize, and had I been there I would have personally given you the gas money, and discounted your install to cover your trip.

    The '06 EM thing is EVERYWHERE. The AP does have fuel control under 4k rpm, but NOT timing control. I just did another '06 WRX in Tampa and spent a few hours on the phone with Cobb's tuner. You CANNOT use too much boost under 4k or the timing freaks out. At the moment NOBODY can control it. Ecutek will have the same fueling control down there soon and we will be able to get more for you. Both ecutek and Cobb are working on rewriting the ENTIRE memory in the ECU to try and make it work like the '06 STi which does not have the problem...

    Again, my sincerest apologies, but I assure you the coil-overs were spec'd (at least by me, repeatedly and clearly) for an '06 WRX. If you are still interested, we will get the right ones, cover round-trip gas money and discount your install.

  28. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Wow, nice! Seems like a pretty good deal :)
  29. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Damn guys. I guess that would be pretty tough to beat!

    I hadn't really planned on trying to drive back up but if it's gonna be like that then I guess it's a no brainer. And I'm really glad to know you care that much about customers.

    I'll have to get with you sometime this week because there's a chance that my unit will have to work this weekend.

    +1 for SS and SOG. :coold:
  30. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    :bigthumb: for the satisfaction :p
  31. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Glad you guys could get this worked out.
  32. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    hmmm, ? now that you mention, i am very disatified with your work too:eek:........................... I guess i am owed some free tuning!:D JK I'll be up there Friday for tuning and am very excited from hearing the success you had with Scott Sanders's car. All kidding a side, it's nice to see there is still some customer oriented business's in this world. Nice job going the extra mile.[font=&quot]
  33. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Sweetness. A happy ending.
  34. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Good to hear this. I have to say Scott's the man and I am not saying that cause he's such a friend. I have been tuned by Scott twice. First time was to fix a botched up tune from another tuner and second was to make the beast it is now with Meth inj. Everytime I call Scott answers. Sometimes I asked what numbers I should expect and the answer was always the same....."Well I would expect XXX hp and XXX tq but I (SS) can't promise you that. Every car is different and responds different to mods. I can promise however it'll be reliable and smooth to the best of my (SS) ability." That alone was enough. Both times I was there for tuning Scott would order something for a customer and he was pushy with making sure that the parts was for the right YEAR of the car. Scott was always saying "Make sure it for a 04 WRX and not 04 WRX" or something along those lines.

    Great job Scott and because you are so dedicated to customer satisfaction and made my car so safe and smooth, you earned a Pro-Tune with my buddy when he was gonna go to another local tuner ;)
  35. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Yeah. The install went down last week and the new ride is awesome. I've been changing the settings a little here and there just to see what it's like and stuff, which kicks ass.

    I'm still waiting on Ecutek to get things figured out for my cars version though. It's really sad because I could be making so much more power and torque with the stock turbo without having to rev it to the redline. But I guess I'm just screwed as far as that goes. Soon I'll be moving out of the southeast and my Ecutek tuner lisence will mean nothing to another tuner.

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