Insight please

Discussion in 'General Community' started by tuan, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. tuan

    tuan Member

    I didn't know where to post this so i decided to put it here. I have a friend that got in a car accident but the car isn't insured under their name because the payments would have to be too high. The insurance company has already claimed the car as wrecked. So my question would be would the insurance company still cover everything even though the person that has their name as the driver was not driving. My friend does not have their name as a driver witht he insurance. However, they do have full coverage witht eh insurance company. Some insight from you guys would be great. Thanks :blah:
  2. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    huh? i'm lost on this one.
  3. tuan

    tuan Member

    girl drives car..girl gets into a accident and the car is wreck...girls name is not on the insurance...will girl get money for wrecked car
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Is it the girls parents? Its possible the insurance on the car is an umbrella policy (ie whomever drives the car is covered underneath the car owner's insurance). This is extremely common in <21 year olds (children) who are driving their parents cars. They're listed as 2ndary drivers as its much cheaper if the parent remains the primary driver.
  5. tuan

    tuan Member

    yeah her moms is the only person listed as the driver..shes only 19
  6. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    then she will not get any money unless you can somehow convince the insurance company that her mom was driving.
  7. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Or say mom was sick and she had to go and get medcine for her...with the added:wtc: insurance should be sympathetc..hopefully
  8. Insurance covers the car not the driver.As long as she was a legal driver and the cars owner gave her permission to drive the car then good. Now if her parents tried to fool the ins. co. by saying the mom was the sole/primary driver(to save $) when she ( the mom) was not then they might fight over it.Unless there is some kind of weird ins. that only covers a certain person.
  9. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Thats basically what I said before, some insurance like mine (statefarm) doesnt really care. If you give someone permission to drive your car then your car is covered underneath your insurance. You are paying to insure the car under your name. If the driver is granted permission, the car is still covered.
  10. My insurance company (progressive at the time) said that if any legal drivers were living under the same roof as the insured, that I HAVE to list them as potential drivers or they would not be covered if the car was wrecked. Other than that I could loan the car out to people who did not live under my roof and have it insured. This prevents parents from excluding children that will be driving the car often, but still allow me to loan the car out if necessary.
  11. Intrigue2727

    Intrigue2727 Member

    They Will Cover It
  12. tuan

    tuan Member

    well she doesn't live with her mother she lives with me. she needs the car in order to go from school, work and home. she was heading home from walmart when a car which lanes in front of her and she kinda freaked out and oversteered. gary at SOG is already being a great friend and started looking for another wrx for her. thanks again guys for all the info. this is why i love this forum

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