Is he an Asshole?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by wagunz_pwn, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    We debated this at work...slow day.

    Just a few weeks after the split...Jon from Jon & Kate + 8's with his new girlfriend.


  2. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

  3. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Im going to kick you in the nuts for posting this
  4. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Sorry, like I said...slow day at work...multiple older/married/women in office. All they talked about.

    All I kept hearing..."those poor children".
  5. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Any hot ones? I'm single... :naughty:
  6. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Dude, Kate was a bitch and this new girl looks hotter.
  7. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    If their lives are so pathetically shallow that all they can think of to discuss in their free time is the lives of depraved psychopaths maybe you should offer them the opportunity to partake in some good old butt sex to pass the time.......................................
  8. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    LOL I had to Google this to know what Jon and Kate plus 8 was. I guess I really am the young one in the group since TLC's not on my to watch list.

    Or it could be that I don't watch tv at all?
  9. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

  10. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Wirelessly posted (My Phone)

    she's a keeper!
  11. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

  12. jeb

    jeb Member

    Who can hate on a player for wanting to have some fun for a bit. The crazy ones are the best ;)
  13. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    Kate really is a bitch, i'd cheat on her ass too. the only show i saw she wouldn't let him speak up during the interviews. she kept interrupting him and saying he was wrong.
  14. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

  15. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk


    and lol - that's coming directly from this guy (it's quoted on facebook, so you know it's official):

    "Just watch out, the last time that happened to me she ended up being bat shit insane

    But it was worth it while it lasted"

    - Jason Eberhard
  16. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    If you pass one up your one behind
  17. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    All I can say is I'm glad cell phone cameras weren't around when I was in school.

    I'm sure there would be quite a few like that plant picture.
  18. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    I rode a horse.

    In the middle of a fountain.

    In the middle of a mall.
  19. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    Just the thought of this is scary, but then again I would have some classic shit of my own.
    three plastered men knee boarding down a 25ft stairway comes to mind.
  20. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I've done some stupid things in my was I careless and lost.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  21. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    For some reason I don't doubt you a bit. :rofl:
  22. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    What do you know? I reality tv couple didn't make it.... I hope the money is worth ruining your marriage... But yeah, she was a bitch. But, too bad.. you made 8 fucking babies with her. Your stuck fo life, deal with it.
  23. RSConvert

    RSConvert ɹǝuɹnʇpɐǝɥ uʞnɟɐɥnɯ ɐ sʇı Supporting Member

    If it was Margie and Tom from next door, I don't think many people would give a #@$%&, so why should Jon and Kate be an exception?
  24. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    I won't even post up what I did. I'm not sure what the statute of limitations are on them.
  25. jeb

    jeb Member

    If you only knew...... I think we need a most ridiculous shit I've ever done thread thats anonymous, no street racing stories allowed of course
  26. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    Wirelessly posted

    Kate is a total controling bitch, I don't blame the guy for leaveing. And at 75k per show I'd be civil with just to get the
  27. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I heard on the radio this morning that they are engaged

  28. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Personally I think they both should have worked it out better. Who knows the real deal. He gave the impression that he just doesn't really care and doesn't want to deal with the drama. She gives the impression that she is controlling and it's her way or the highway. They both run all over each other.

    Really they both should have just stopped the show and focus on what's important....their family and their relationship with God. They took a vow and an oath in marriage. They got married because they loved each other and the kids weren't even in the picture so you know something was there and that 'spark' so to speak was allow to die.

    I'm sorry but people that just give up and don't really try at things like this is just sad. They both have said themselves that they really haven't tried working at this issue as much as they needed to and that they both have just given up. I come from a broken family like this and I tell you, it's gonna wreck havoc on the kids.....especially the twins at their age.

    Sometimes you gotta drop the glorious and glamorous things and realize what truely matters in life. Money is just money, fame is just don't carry it with you when you die.
  29. DaveH

    DaveH Member

    Dammit, I just read all 3 pages! I'll never get that time back :wtc:

    And I still don't know who these people are.....

    So I guess folks still watch/care about reality TV?
  30. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    My wife watches I have to watch it when it's on. Usually I get on the PC then ;)

    Dang I really need to go get a second TV!
  31. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    :rofl: at noob settings :p

    It's still on one page for me.
  32. DaveH

    DaveH Member

    Good point.

    How 'bout: "I just read all 29 posts :wtc:"?
  33. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Because Margie and Tom don't make $75K an episode and they don't put their lives on TV for everyone to watch.
  34. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    who's to say this new chick isn't just a ploy for a spin-off show? Jon's new life....
  35. RSConvert

    RSConvert ɹǝuɹnʇpɐǝɥ uʞnɟɐɥnɯ ɐ sʇı Supporting Member

    Sounds like after all this drama...they will have the potential to make $150K an episode. Smart marketing...
  36. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    It's true. In this age of "instant gratification" and everyone's sense of entitlement, people think they should get something for nothing. In other words, have a happy marriage without any work. Wake up! Jon & Kate will be unhappy and have no one to blame, unfortunately the kids will be f*ed up too.
  37. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    the whole point of the show to begin with was to show how the parents coped with raising 8 kids. then they started getting paid that $75k a show and you could tell immediately thats not how a normal set of parents would raise 8 kids. they got to travel all over the world and see big stars. now that the show is cancelled and their parents blew all the money and are divorced, they will see how poor parents raise 8 kids. its ridiculous
  38. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Who said they blew all their money? The divorce is worth 10 million.
  39. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    well it will be gone, i can assure you the kids wont see any of it.
  40. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    every time I watched the show...especially during the interviews, I thought Jon just took a few bong else could he deal with Kate?
  41. ohmypearls

    ohmypearls Banned

    men talk about reality tv... and care!? :keke:
  42. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^^ Men have GF's and Wives that force us to watch crappy shows...

    signed: victim
  43. Jake

    Jake Active Member


    well, Jason's wife was watching it anyways....
  44. El_Diablo

    El_Diablo Member

  45. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Yall are a bunch of bitches...I went and worked on my car, masturbated, drank a beer, watched football in the other room, anything manly other than watch that damn show.
  46. RSConvert

    RSConvert ɹǝuɹnʇpɐǝɥ uʞnɟɐɥnɯ ɐ sʇı Supporting Member

    cool everything except the masturbating part...the old lady did that for me while she watched the show....:naughty:

  47. El_Diablo

    El_Diablo Member

    I LOL'd
  48. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    Haha N0 5h1t!!

    Old school.. Polaroid One-Steps and photo copiers

    Today.. Mobile phones cams and the Internet will make you
    infamous forever
  49. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    I can't believe I signed onto my car forum, with car guys on it... a thread talking about a reality show 'star' after 2 days already has 5 pages...

  50. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I'm still on page two...n00b!

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