Here is the last race boat I built. If you guy's want to ever come by the fiberglass shop let me know. Brian
WOW! That's awesome man. A speed boat of some kind is definitely in the future. I've always been partial to Fountains...great boats. How long does a boat like that take to build? Great stuff. - Clay
Fiberglass shop eh? Like...fiberglass custom subwoofer enclosers in my trunk? I'd like to talk to you sometime about the boats, I dont know much about them but I'd be very interested in hearing / learning a few things.
Ok guy's come on up anytime. I've been racing / building boats for about 6 years now. We can make any kind of mold for anything you can dream up. Is there anything we need to make for our Subaru's? This is a hobby for me , not my real job. Check out Here's a pic in flight from Daytona 2001. Brian
I was looking for something I could put my 10" sub into, mount it flush with the left side of my STi's trunk (tool kit side), so I dont have a large box just floating around in my trunk. However, it's quite expensive to do this so I was wondering how much you'd be interesting in charging to help me out with this or such. Thanks
I'm with Alex on getting a sub box as well. I've researched wagon spare tire well enclosures and it's beyond my knowledge and time constraints.
You guy's need to come up next week and we'll work it out. Like I said it's a hobby for me and maybe we can sell a few. Brian
I want in on this!!!! Willing to pay for supplies etc. I am okay working with my hands, but the only fiber glass work I've ever done consisted of repairing dings on my surfboards...I imagine if we came up with a farily low cost solution, we could sell a few. Growing up in Florida the coolest boats were always the "Cigarette" boats. I always wanted a Scarab Sport...(not really a race boat, but I loved the Scarab designs...) Love to see the boat and shop...
Looks like we're going to make some sub boxxes. Just about any time next week is good for me. Bring the Subaru's with ya and I'll get mine out of the basement (sunny day I hope), Very cool gang! Brian
sub box's are a cool idea but has nobody thought of making fiberglass body panels, mucho weight saving
I'm going out of town tomorrow, be back next Sunday. I have some really good idea's though. I can definitely pay you for the work. Have to plan something out when I get back 05WRXSTI
What about Wednesday Afternoon? Or next Saturday...Actually, for this meet, I will probably make time no matter when it happens..
OMG! I may need fenders for a frankenstein project... we'll definitely talk it over in the near future.
Ive done some cf/fiberglass work so I might help out and ive been throwin around the idea of a fiberglass hood WITHOUT A SCOOP but maybe somethin else... ill be here all week, i just cant lift heavy objects and such cause of my back J
No reason to vent the cabin area of the boat. Notice the massive hood scoop on the engine compartment in the other pictures. Brian
Well, it was a quote from ZOolander; remember? Derek sees the small scale model school and he goes "what is this, a school for ants?! It must be at least three times bigger!"
^^^^ That looks nice. Why do most people put the sub on the driver's side of the car? I always figured it would be better for weight distribution to put it on the other side since the driver is on that side.
Here is what I've found on wagon spare tire enclosures. Not as much 'bling' factor but practical to keep the space.
^^^^ I could rock that one too. Does the sub fit underneath the carpet/floor and on top of the spare tire? That would be awesome as far as stealth since there are so many damn thieves around here.
Brian, next week we'll get together and start this project. I am really looking forward to having something like this! It is even better that you think you can get it done! (sweet jesus!) As for mounting on that side, bobby do you do realize that Sti's have the water spray reservoir on the passenger side of the car dont you? Left side is the tool kit.
my other favorite setup now, some others of this enclosure... Now, for me, I know Brian and I will be toying around a while before we have anything finished. My sub (IDQ 10") requires .50 cu ft (sealed) or .75-1.00 cu ft (ported). I dont know, we're meeting sometime nextweek to discuss. another one I found:
no need to sound ashamed, everyone asks :bigthumb: especially when you turn it on..."OMG WHAT IS THAT NOISE!?!" :rofl: :keke:
Bobby, what I may do, is try and make a mold for both my 10" ID, and my 12" -- and we can see about hooking you up with one for your car
Whatever works I've got the watersprayer hooked up to the windshield squirters so I figured it was similar on the STIs.
Anytime you guy's want to come to Gainesville and see the shop , boats , etc you are welcome - (you have to drive your Subaru though - haha) Brian
Brian, good deal! As soon as we get past the holidays, I will be up there. Maybe the Monday after New Years?
Sure man works for me. I've got a 30 ft cat / race boat in the shop that was destroyed this year while racing. Should be some good eye candy - Brian
Great! I will call you at the number you posted. Probably next Friday. Have good Holidays all and be safe! No drinking and driving for the Atlanta crew!!!!:evil:
Brian, Hey man, sorry I didn't call. I ended up at the Dr's with a nasty cold. Didn't think you would want me sharing it with you. I still really want top see the setup though!!
Hey man no problem - I had the cold deal last week! Alex or anybody else that wants to come up let me know , we're working just about every night. I'm building a plug to build a mold , to build a 30 ft center console. Hope yall like the smell of resin - Brian Here's a picture of a 30 ft Phantom. This boat is built by a guy named Will Smith whom I know very well. I raced this boat in 2001 and we won a National Championship that year. Oh yea I might know a little about 5 way harness's - HAHA