well i guess it didn't work out too well for me at ACC so now i'm out of a job and the bills are coming in. if anyone knows of any place hiring, i need a job. something that pays decent please. but at this point i almost don't care. as long as i'm not busting my ass for next to nothing. thanks guys.
My job is almost always hiring. I work for Cingular in Technical Support. Starting pay was $17/hour when I started 2 years ago, so it should be at least that much now, maybe a little more. Also get a free Cell phone and unlimited free service, Calling, Messaging, Internet, everything.
sorry dude, i've been asking around, but nothing really in general... could you list your experience to help us when we ask around?
I work for Equity Residential and it is a really good company. We have evrything from Maintenance to Management with a lot of room for advancement. I am not sure if it is up your alley but if so here is a link for positions currently available.. Just put GA in the search field http://www.equityresidential.com/content/hr_careermain.asp