Johnny Rockets Meet

Discussion in 'Latest Spin Forum Archive' started by fez, Feb 7, 2004.

  1. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation

    MOVED to the Test forum.

    We had an odd error with the post, so we moved it to the test forum, it appears to be working there, we'll move it back later and see if it was just some random glitch.

    ok but Johnny Rockets, off of cobb parkway yes, near parkway pointe (near the AMC theaters).

    how bout 6:30?
    check here at 6, theres a 10% chance i might not be able to go, lets hope not.

    if any of you have aim or icq or whatever (check my profile for numbers/usernames etc) contact me and i'll send you my cell# and that might be easier for me to tell you. but im pretty sure i can go.

    ooh and i just got my MBC, i think ill install it now or maybe later today.
  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    you can give me a call, 4048404054 -- I may not answer b/c I'll be working on t he stereo (so f#*^# cold). Call Faysal first.

    Faysal's cell: 4048084896
  3. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    6:30 sounds good... i have a friend with an STI who might show up too... hopefully a couple people will show up
  4. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation

  5. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    any idea how many people r gonna show up 4 sure?
  6. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation


    again im pretty sure i will.

    alex isnt sure.

    ...havnt heard back from radon.


    your STi friend?

    um thats it so far, but if we can get a small group at first - thats a start, then we can move on and get bigger.

    if you see a WRX or STi or even a modded scooby, invite them to this site.

    we're gonna get stickers made soon, and that should attract some visitors, and also gonna get cards printed that you can leave on the windshield of a potential member. (best part is, you can place the card you got on someone else's windshield).

    edit: btw if i dont have to stay here, ill be bringin my camera, and we can take some nice shots....maybe take your car to a touch free wash right before we meet, or we can go there right when we meet and we can get some nice pics.

    this is somewhat a secret but here are shots mostly taken w/ my camera (some w/ jabba's camera - hes a 944 owner) ( note its still in the works-
  7. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    sorry for my typos, my fingers are THAT cold....yes, I am insalling my system in the snow ;) and yes, it is 20 something outside...I'm nearly done, cant say more than 1 hr is left. The SW needs to go in and the amps have to be powereed and I think thats about it... If I can make it (which my cold body is diligently pushing to do) I'll be there!

  8. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation

    change of plan alex or radon - call on my cell!

    we are meeting infront of the AMC theaters, on the borders books side - i have an 04 WRB WRX - Milo has the Black 03 WRX - (we'll drive to the johnny rockets to familiarize you w/ the area - i cant really explain how to get there, i just know how to- um, for future meets, i think JR is better for more parking, but this is just a temp...remember i got my camera!!
  9. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    it was great meeting u guys... hopefully next time on more will show up... as i mentioned to faysal, do u guys want to meet at andretti speedlab sometime?... i love go karting (cuz i get to do what i cant do on the streets :) )... also, since we will be customers there, security can't kick us off the lot :)

    by the way, i saw the gallery... great photography... i'd love for u to shoot my car sometime and put up the pics... too bad i had to leave early today
  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    yeah, the gallery has some nice shots...sorry I didnt get to make it in time, I had some final problems with my setup. Its all good now though, and things sound dandy.
  11. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    pfft, mine went in during the Snow Flurries on Saturday ;)

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