Just got back from WMC's in Miami...

Discussion in 'Florida' started by flip, Mar 29, 2006.

  1. flip

    flip Member

    So i just got back from the WMC's (Winter Music Conference) in Miami this morning. It was sooo much fun!! :) I managed to score a press pass and get some awesome pics of the events! I'll share a few and link ya to the rest since i took over 400 i believe... :0 Did anyone else go? I saw a few STI's and got a ton of coments. I had one guy stop in the middle of the road to yell at me that he has a blue 04 at home ( he was driving a explorer or something at the time )...







    I'll upload more later...
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2006
  2. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    That's tight. I used to live in Miami, it's an awesome place. Excuse my ignorance though, what are the WMC's?
  3. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    winter music confrence

    i used to go to the wmc when i live in o town.
  4. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    winter music conference???

    man, i'm smart
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2006
  5. flip

    flip Member

    Sorry, i should have mentioned that since this is a car forum, not a music forum ;). It is the Winter Music Conference... Its a really large (10's of 1000's of people) music conference/show where all of the big name DJ's from all around the world come to perform etc... There is a conference where you can learn things and stuff like that, but there is also a party where all of the dj's perform called Ultra. It's almost all electronic music, like trance, house, drumb and bass, breaks, etc.... If you're into electronic music and like the beach its a MUST to do it atleast once and if you do it once you'll most likely come back :).
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Looks awesome man, were G&D there this time around?
  7. flip

    flip Member

    Gabriel & Dresden i assume? I don't think they were there... if they were i would have to had seen them... It was a pretty good line up tho. I got to see prodigy who i've wanted to see for a long time. sucks that i missed the first have because i was helping my (now x) girlfriend find the stupid bathroom...
  8. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    thats great guy, i hope u could have been there but too bad so sad
  9. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    nice shots of pvd dude! he spin a good set? that's not RITM below him is it, du doesn't look big enough or wacky enough to be bunny. GOD i wish they would come to town.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2006

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