Koby Subaru ( mobile Al. )

Discussion in 'Product & Service Reviews' started by emstraumajunke, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. If anyone on this site is every in south Al. or south Ms Dont take your car to Koby in mobile. very rude service no were near mod friendly and when they mess up that wont back up there work. ended up costing me close to $4500.00 after all said and done.
  2. wagon_dude

    wagon_dude New Member


    I bought a 06' wrx wagon from koby in mobile, I haven't started moding yet. They have been very nice and are trying to get more into performance. But I haven't heard any thing good from the very few I have talked to. Does any one else have an opinion on them ?
  3. I had a real big knock out drag out with the prior to Hurricane Katrina.
    I took my 03 in after I bought it and told them it was making some noise and what not in the transmission and it was hard to shift into 5th gear at times, They advised me to drop it off and they ll have a look so I do and get a loaner car from them. A few days go by and I called them ( i feel they showed of called me) and ask what was up with my car, they told me The transmission syncos are bad and it has to be rebuilt ( under warranty) so of course I say do it. So they take my car tear it apart and while in the process I asked them to put in a new clutch the quote me almost $700.00 on a stock replacement so I ask the parts manager about an ACT if that would effect my warranty he said Nope just bring it to us well pout it in for an extra $150.00.
    At this point I'm thinking this is a good dealership very helpful and seem to be mod friendly.
    Well 2 weeks go by I Finally get my car back and go pick it up and drive home. At this point in time I'm pretty much working 15 hours a day and 7 days a week I lived maybe 15 miles from my job which equaled out to 30 miles a day ( there's a reason for the math) so I drive home 65ish miles get home car drive good made a popping sound didn't think nothing of it never did it again so it was good. (didn't know about the craptastic transmission in 03) well after a 7 day stretch at work 210miles (remember the math) I decided to go Eat and have a drink with some friends in Biloxi maybe 30 miles so On my way home from Dinner I'm driving down Hwy90 windows down just relaxing music up and i shift in to 2nd gear and BOOOOOM transmission is gone. Now back to the math. 210+30+65=305 miles after the trans was tore apart and new clutch was installed. So I call a friend who was with me at the restaurant and have him come help me push the car into the grands parking garage and leave it for the night.
    I wake up the following day and call Koby (Adrian to be exact) he tells me to call Kobys road side assistant and have them get it towed to the shop and not to worry its all covered.
    SO i do that which cost me like $70.00. well someone (don't really know who) jumps in my car and drives it to a spot and I ask Adrian should he be doing that again its cool its covered. So i get my loaner and go home.
    Fast forward 3 weeks...yep 3 weeks

    Adrian is no longer the service manager there's a new guy
    I get a call.

    Basically telling me I'm screwed, Due to the clutch my car is no longer covered. Which I GET PISSED and tell the guy BS put Adrian on the phone he told me the clutch would effect my warranty, he advised me that Ive put over 1500 miles on the car and Ive raced and abused the car those whole 1500 miles again (I have a short temper) I advise him hes full of shit and that i haven't even put 500 miles on the car and its a new clutch and by no means was i abusing the car in the break in period. His next statement sent me over the top.
    Well we need the loaner car back by tomorrow morning, I advised him I lived in Gulfport, Ms and worked on an Ambulance and it wouldn't be there till Friday 2 days later unless they came to get the car. He told me "IF THE CAR WASNT THERE BY NOON THE FOLLOWING DAY IT WILL BE REPORTED STOLEN"
    I was like well report it now cause i cant take off work. needless to say my mom takes the car back cause i would of more and likely busted the asshat in the mouth (short temper) well they take the car and he hands her a bill for the tear down of the transmission for $750.00 (wtf) and adviser her that the car either needed to be fixed by koby or removed from the property by no later then Fri. she laughs and says OK well be back Fri.

    so we go the following Mon to pick up the car and i get all my parts giving to me in card board boxes and crammed into the truck.( ill try to find the pictures)
    when talking to the Owner of Koby Subaru we asked is it possible for the mechanic to have made a mistake he said" MY Men DONT MAKE MISTAKES your son abused that car."

    Now keep in mind this was a bone stock 2003 wrx with 40562 miles on it. That I drove from Gulfport Mississippi to my job at AMR and then my job offshore which was in Homa, La.

    This was also awhile ago and it might have change but i do know one thing my car will never bless the parking lot of that place again and yea i did the lawyer thing and all that good stuff and then Katrina hit and well had more important things to worry about so i just ordered a transmission offline and installed it void the warranty and went nuts. OH yea that transmission that i Order blew up as well but called them told them what happened and they replaced it for free even paid shipping on both items.

    And all the help we got pushing the car on to the trailer (took us awhile to get it)
  4. the guy pushing the car was there with me and my wife to be was in the car steering
  5. wagon_dude

    wagon_dude New Member

    That really sucks! Thank you for looking out, now I'm scared to let them change my oil.
  6. JL889

    JL889 Pandastic!

    I bought my car there other than that I stick to SOG.

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