LAN Party

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by blink, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. blink

    blink Member

    I forgot to post this awhile back, like in November..

    We are having a lan party on Jan 20 (my bday) about 20-25 people will be there, its here in atlanta, E. ATL to be exact. Its all weekend, beginning around 9pm-10pm (people file in all day).. and goes to sunday afternoon. We will be playing Q4 w/ mods, HL2 w/mods, BF2 w/mods, Forza 3 (i think its 3), Colin McRae 5 (i think its 5), and any other games people happen to bring up. All games will be provided for.. so no worries.. HL2 is sometimes poblemmatic in MP.. but all servers and games will be at the house.

    I can only invite so many.. so if you would like to go, theres no payment for this event.. but nothing in the sense of food/drink is provided. Power, tables, routers, switches, servers, internet will be provided.. donations are accepted.

    Please bring the following if you are gonna come:
    NETWORK CABLE (i cant stress that enough, longer the better)
    All cables, mice, keyboards needed for operation of the machine.
    MOUSE PAD (another common thing people forget, if you use one)
    HEADPHONES (no one wants to hear your game)

    alcohol, cigarettes, and other smokeables are welcome.

    any questions or rsvp, just PM me.
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    damn sounds like fun... unfortunately i'll be out of town... happy birthday
  3. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Nerds :p
  4. blink

    blink Member

    damn right! :)
  5. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Are you setting up the NASA control center at the new place?:bowdown:

    I'll swing by but I'm not a big gamer anymore.
  6. blink

    blink Member

    hehe nah.. NASA will stay there.. they got the room for it. Its gonna be in the garage of that house.. and if we get more people it will probably spill into the control center (den).
  7. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Why not wireless networking, now that they've upped the speed?
  8. blink

    blink Member

    we would love too have it wi/fi but we have the equipment for a hardwired network, two 20 port switches and a 10 port hub. also wi/fi still has trouble with the newer FPS mp modes, and just more of a headache to get 30 people on a wireless network, than for them to just plugin.. there will be wi/fi setup, but not really used for gaming, this also will be our 10 year anniversary of hosting lan parties.. yay! :)
  9. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I will come, I don't have a PC to bring, but I will come hang out at least.
  10. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    I dont' know if my computer is good enough for all those games. 1.8ghz amd2200, 1gb ram, and 9800 pro. Sounds like I should run HL2/Counter-Strike: Source np, but no.... All low settings and i get less than 30 fps on average.
  11. blink

    blink Member

    really? that was almost exactly like my old setup.. that 9800 pro is currently what my old roommate has, and he has no problem running BF2/HL2, quake 4 ran kinda crappy, but i doubt we'll play that very much, since most people's computers struggle on it. And we will be playing TOCA 3 not Forza.. the new TOCA comes out next month! Also mattprzy, have you played Dystopia(mod), for HL2? If not check it out, we'll probably be getting some of that going.. in addition to BF2 soccer, and possibly Quake 3 Demonic Soccer. We try to keep the games limited to what people have in hardware.
  12. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    I dont' think i''ll come since my computer is not running that great. I'm very much into the Half Life 2 mods so I'll check it out. Have you heard of Garry's mod or Goldeneye Source or Return to Mana?

    anyway. Maybe I will, probably I won't come. I hear that it's possibly my motherboard that's at fault. So I think I"ll get a new computer (which will be forever since i'm so poor).
  13. God...its a "school" night and a week before SATs...i can't make it
  14. blink

    blink Member

    friday night is a school night?
  15. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I need to actually buy HL2 now that my PC can play it.
  16. blink

    blink Member

    if you buy HL2, download Dystopia.. badass mod.. kinda lawnmower man'ish FPS.. its hard to explain.. very creative. the site is down right now, but usually its
  17. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    I know this is OT but does anyone want to start a BF2 clan?
  18. blink

    blink Member

    i would be all about it.. but with this new patch coming out, its gonna fux everything up imo.. plus these booster packs are a joke.. I would though like to maybe make one for Point of Existance when it comes out.. that mod was a lot fun for BF:V and the amount of content included in that mod looks great.
  19. AthensWRX

    AthensWRX Member

    i'm on WoW(crysilis) and BF2(comptoncobra)(my friend is HappyJahadOneWayRental) sometimes, say hey if you guys play and see me. don't think i'll make the party though
  20. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Thought I would revive this thread. Blink, you may want to post directions for those of us that don't know, or don't remember how to get to your place. Address would work to so we can map it out.
  21. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    i think im gonna come out to this also pm me some directions or something.
  22. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    what server for wow?
  23. AthensWRX

    AthensWRX Member

    i'm on dragonmaw
  24. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    am i missing the directions in this post? i wanna come out but dont have a clue where to go. blink wirte in already!
  25. blink

    blink Member

    haha ok ok.. its the east atlanta house.. not my crib. i wont be there till 11pm or so.. but i will call you jt, jason, and whomever wants to stop by.. we might have an extra machine if anyone wants to use it.. we'll see. if you wanna come and your not JT/wrx420/GT Scoob.. PM me and ill check this once im back from dinner, and will give ya directions, its not a party per se.. just a bunch of guys and computers.. one big nerd fest!
  26. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    i dont need a stinkin computer!
    this is all i need!

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