Last minute decision to do something tommorow. 5spdfrk, Brown Cow, Myself, And anothe guy thats not a member are heading up to Suches tommorow if any one is interested. We are meeting at american pie off roswell rd at 12:30. Were going up and making 1 or 2 loops and coming back. We whould be back by 5:00 or 6:00.
I also had a great time! I'm gonna try to post the pics tomorrow. Thanks again guys for being patient with my slowness and newbness! I feel like I know myself, and my car a lot better now.
Yeh, I don't know if you guys have done one before, but you will learn so much. I was amazed how much I improved just in the two hours or so that we were up there. I cant imagine what I could learn if I actually took a driving school.
Right before we hit it hard... A really steep hill! A stop along the way... One of the last stops of the day...
I used to be a mountain run junkie until i went to an autox. I liked pushing my car in the mountains, but i didn't want to find my limit there. After autoxing I feel much more confident in my driving and in knowing where my limit when i'm up in the mountains.
Yeh, I've done auto-xs too, and they are great. I wish there were more down my way. Can't wait to get some more suspension work done, so i can take her to an autox and feel her out. lol