Last night's meet

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by JM5999, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. JM5999

    JM5999 Member

    Hey guys, good turn out last night. Who's got that video of Ben shooting the 2 foot flame? I'll get the pictures posted later today as well.
    Also, here's the link for where I bought my gauges, the new version 2 ones have a sweep function and an electric boost gauge. -jordan
  2. suby113

    suby113 Member

    yah it was pretty cool! Still think we should have had more people turn up but it still was cool!
  3. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Yeah it was fun.

    I've never heard of this Daddy's site before.
  4. savsuby

    savsuby Member

    It was alot of fun. We need to ride around like that more often.
  5. suby113

    suby113 Member

    yep, yep!:p
  6. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Yeah. I hope someone can put that video up so we can see it in full size.

    Also can't wait to see how this Atlanta meet unfolds. I'll be going up in the next couple weeks so if there's anything I can do PM me or something.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2006
  7. savsuby

    savsuby Member

    when are we planning to go to atlanta. I would like to go.
  8. JM5999

    JM5999 Member

  9. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    What's that black STi witht he bronze wheels and front mount have done to it?
  10. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    nice pictures
  11. JM5999

    JM5999 Member

    not completely sure, but he says basically everything but internal engine stuff is modded out
  12. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Those are some good shots. Especially for the lighting IMO.
  13. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    no idea on the turbo?

    bf had my car in savannah yesterday and said he blew the doors off another black sti and 03 cobra that were in the middle of a race, said they were at a light on abercorn, they raced off the light, he was waiting to do a u-turn, did it and caught them and blew by them. The 03 Cobra was beating the black STi. Then the 03 cobra tried to race him in my car, lost miserably. STi redemption FTW!
  14. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    i think he said it was an SR30...the shop that put the car together wanted to test it out on a 2.5L engine or something.
    he says that he definatly needs an upgrade...the one he has isn't enough
  15. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    haaay ben you gonna come to my graduation parrrty?
  16. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    i'm going to try to, since i didn't make it to the last party
  17. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

  18. apssti

    apssti Member

    hey guys black sti is mine, lol sorry for the late reply...hehe the turbo is a sr-40 and also runing crawford s3l block, and i never raced a 03 cobra (wasnt me)
  19. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Glad you came on though brotha. I think we may try to meet up again on Saturday night and go ride around a little or something.

    Last weekend we drove around the bypass and into Savannah for a cup of joe and then a few games of pool after that, if anybody's wondering or would like to go.
  20. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    No video? :wtc:
  21. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Yeah. Me too. I saw the video on a DVR screen so the 2 foot flame they told us about actually looked more like a 2 mm spot, but I was hoping to see it a lil better.
  22. savsuby

    savsuby Member

    the guy that took the video is working on getting it together so I can put it on
  23. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Sweet man. Can't wait.
  24. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Good, because no video makes Admin cry.
  25. savsuby

    savsuby Member

  26. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    i love our cars. mmm mmm sexy!

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