I tried this a couple years ago with no success . . . I've always wanted a front lip on my car but its hard to get the bugeye lips to fit on the wagons. I really would like to see how close an 04+ V-limited or Chargespeed lip spoiler would fit, as well as bugeye Prodrive lip. This will be mainly for research purposes, so I can see how difficult it would be to retrofit one to my car. I know I give everyone nowadays shit for the V-limited being played out but I've never seen one on a bugeye, with the exception of the LNR CF lip which I swear Suby ripped off for their own lip. The V-limited replicas are pretty cheap and they look like they'd fit well, I figure at the most I'll have to drill some new holes. I made one of the home depot lips last week and like the look of a flat black lip but it looks extremely cheap (although it was~$20 with all the materials :naughty. So who wants to meet up and see how some different lips fit on different cars? This could be welcome for any years; most of these only take an hour to install/remove. I'll even pick up a couple cold ones for whoever decided to volunteer their lip for test-fitting.
That looks great. There's no way in hell its fitting on my car though. The V-limited should fit better since it just bolts onto the bottom of the bumper instead of wrapping around the sides.
cell phone pic, but you get the idea... I will be up in Atlanta for the Year One Experience if you want to test fit sometime that weekend.
The Spec V lip will not fit the bugeye. It's made to wrap within the lines of the STi side splitters. Look at the pic above and you will see. The middle portion is flush with the bumper but dips down where the STi side splitters are. I 'had' that lip until it met its demise (heh that's the fourth one). Now I have a full INGS+1 front and rear bumper (no freaking lip for me) on the way.