Life and Times with the Carbotech XP-9's

Discussion in 'Product & Service Reviews' started by Brian, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    For the impatient: Squeeky and dusty, but never had brake fade.

    Power: I could get ABS to kick in over 90mph. Need to say anymore? FTW

    Longevity: I put 12k miles, 3 track days and 2 mountain runs on these pads. They still had some life left but 1 of the 4 pads was down to the wear indicators. The others were close. Probably could have gone another 3-4k street miles, but not enough pad for any more track days.

    Feel: Decent feel and control, but with ABS it wasn't too critical. The stock lines are a bigger problem than anything the pads may have done. The brakes would get hot enough that the pedal would come down *much* further heel/towing and cause me to use too much rev's.

    Noise: They would squeek loud as hell if you want them too. I could always vary the pedal pressure to start or stop the squeeking. I like squeeking them when people have their windows down to watch them cringe tho... :keke:

    Dust: Lots, but prepping the wheels when they are clean can make them easy to keep clean.

    BTW, I'm using the XP-8's now.
  2. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    What did you use to prep the rims?.....j/w
  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    What is the difference between the 8's and 9s?
  4. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    I got the wheels *completely* clean, then wiped them down lightly with syn motor oil. The brake dust washed off sooo much easier afterwards. Just don't get any near the tire. I've heard polishing helps, but I don't think it would last as long.

    XP-8's are so supposed to have slightly less friction, initial bite and max temp. Still way more than any Hawk pad though. I'm not sure the 9's were bedded in perfectly though since the 8's seem to have more initial bite.
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Hmm, also, ive been meaning to ask, what the heck does HYAIT stand for ? :rofl:
  6. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    "Hold your a$$ in there" is the
    official name given to the seat mod. :rofl:

    nice writeup on the XP-9's as well Brian
  7. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    In case you didn't see the update in the other thread...

    My STi+big turbo+this Tues+TopSpeed= +++ whp
  8. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    trust me....

    I'm watching that thread....

    I'd love to come hang out and watch this tune,
    I'll be out of town all week though :wtc:
  9. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Way to go Brian..I wish I could see that tune also. I am sure that will make you very happy..

  10. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    so how did it go yesterday?
  11. javid

    javid Member

    Good review but you forgot one important issue.

    Your rotors are probably is great shape... yes?

    The trade-off with carbotech XPs is extra dusting but very rotor freindly.
  12. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Great to know.
  13. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    instead of oil just use wax to seal the rim surface
  14. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Yup, my rotors are still looking good after
    1) stock pads
    2) turning then XP-9's
    3) turning then XP-8's
  15. javid

    javid Member

    Are you turning because of 'untrue' rotors or to give the pad a clean rotor?

    I ran through stock, bobcat, XP9s and XP10s on the stockers and never had to turn them...and these rotors have plenty of life cause Carbotech makes uber rotor freindly pads :D
  16. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Just turning to get a clean rotor. Hey, are you back in town yet?
  17. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    you can also use rainX - it's fine enough to get into the pores of glass and i've seen it work quite well on wheels, too.
  18. javid

    javid Member

    Nope, but should be back this week. Either way I'll be back for the weekend.

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