Little Talladega Track Day

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Stetson, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    Hey Subie Pilots...I am looking to put together a track day at Little Talladega in November. Target is $125 for the day which equates about 5 or 6 20 minute on track sessions. This is a fun day, no formal instruction, just a chance to get together and have some fun. I have 11 confirmed folks between a couple of car clubs and am looking for 16 total drivers. That means I have 5 slots open. Let me know if you are interested and I'l' send the rest of the info.

    Its going to be a great time running the track with other gearheads.

  2. Matto357

    Matto357 Crazyazn likes Naps Staff Member

    I'm interested. I have no track day experience. I need a helmet.
  3. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I'm in
  4. jchon3

    jchon3 Supporting Member

    Is this the track right next to RA?
  5. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

  6. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    Definitely need a helmet. I just picked up another driver so I am down to 4 open slots. Would love to have a couple of alternates- seems like a few folks always bail at the last second.

    Its going to be a great time. We'll order some pizzas around lunch. Target is $125 for everything including lunch. Little Tally is sending us some dates and I'll get them out to you all early next week with details as far as payment etc. I'd like to post a few dates and then based on everyone's preference we'll pull the trigger and lay down the deposit on the track.

    If you've never been before its a great place to get some track experience and have a good time. We're not looking to make any money - we just want to fill the course.

    The track is in Alabama...not too far from Barber and the real Talladega. About an hour and a half from Atlanta. The track accross from Road Atlanta is Lanier Speedway.

    Let's get some subies on the grid to show them how its done AWD style! My ultimate goal is to create a core of track rats which hit the local tracks as a group. This is the first shot!

    I'll have the info early next week. Until then...keep the shiny side up!

    Brian Stetson
  7. trouble06

    trouble06 Member

    If the day falls on Sunday, I'm in!
  8. eyeballs

    eyeballs Member

    Oohhh, I'm very tempted, thats a very safe track IIRC. My wife is due in Nov, so I might be able to make it if its late Nov, especially on a weekend (though I know these always fall on weekdays).

    Quick question....If I bring my miata and I don't quite pass the broomstick test with my rollbar will I still be able to run?
  9. sharif@forged

    sharif@forged Member

    Fun little track, and cheap for seat time. Date?
  10. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    ok here we go.

    As far as the miata cage - you're fine. We're doing tech so no worries. Use common sense, we will be. No cages required. If you show up with something Red Fox built we might have an issue, anything that seems ok will get track time.

    At this point we have 12 confirmed drivers and 4 open slots. Those open slots are going to go quick, so if you are interested make sure you lock in a spot soon by getting back to me ASAP. As follows are the dates we’re working with. Let me know what works for you but most importantly let me know if there are any dates that won’t work at all!

    Saturday Nov 5
    Monday Nov 7
    Friday Nov 11
    Friday Nov 18
    Tuesday Nov 22

    This is going to be a real exciting event – if we fill out all 16 slots the cost will be around $125 per person for the day. Plan on about five or six 20 minute run sessions. If we go in with a few open slots it will cost a little more but you’ll also get a little more run time. Its also pretty rare to be able to get a Saturday opening at Little Tally so take a real hard look at the November 5th Date!

    I have a couple of folks that have already voted hard for the November 5th date so it looks like that may be the date.

    Let me know if you are in!!!!

    Brian Stetson
  11. Matto357

    Matto357 Crazyazn likes Naps Staff Member

    Pm'd you about one of those slots.
  12. griggs81

    griggs81 Supporting Member

    Sign me up if it will be November 5th! I'm looking forward to eventually trying out a new track...
  13. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    Ok kids - we are locked in on the 5th of November. I've got two of you subie pilots already on board - I can take two more. We got real lucky this time and were able to lock in on a week-end date. Plan on 4 run groups, 20 minutes each session so the're will be plenty of track time for everyone. We're also pulling out all the stops and supplying a whole pile of pizzas and soft drinks at lunch time so this should be a fantastic time for all.

    If we can fill all the slots we're looking at about $125 - $130 per person. For a day of running hard at little talley and eating pizza you can't beat it.

    Let me know if you want to lock up one of my last two slots!!!

    Brian Stetson
  14. Allpro Subaru

    Allpro Subaru Registered Vendor Supporting Member

    Hmmm SEMA or little talledega. This is a tough decision. How many spots are left?
  15. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Ahhh....I would go to SEMA...There are plenty of track days at Little Talledega. SEMA is only once a year.
  16. Allpro Subaru

    Allpro Subaru Registered Vendor Supporting Member

    The price is awesome if all spots are filled and it won't be blazing hot.
  17. WRboXer

    WRboXer Active Member

    NM, only took one spot my brother backed out.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  18. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Can't wait.... it will be my first time here so save me a spot in the begginer group

    98SILVERSTANG Member

    If you still have any open spots I would be in for November 5th. Let me know

  20. issueslude99

    issueslude99 New Member

    Any open spots still? haven't been to Tally in 5 years would be cool to go again.
  21. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    I may be up for this depending on the date. I need to even out the wear on my tires with a rare CCW track lol. If I get the ls6 ready I may be able to take both cars :p May need someone to help me drive it up.

    Edit - just read through the thread. So it's Nov 5th? Need to check my schedule.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  22. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    Hey Subie Pilots - We were bumped from the 5th of November by another event. Sorry about that - I was really amp'ed for a Saturday Track Day at little Tally!

    We are rescheduling for the following Friday, 11th November. Same scoop as before - price should be around $130 depending on if we can fill all the slots. Since we are changing the date - everyone who has already committed will have to re-commit. I'll give you first crack at the four that I originally posted. If you guys are still in - great, if not, I'll open it up to alternates. We are still planning on ordering some pizzas for lunch. Its going to be a great time - 5-6 20 minute sessions on the track depending on how efficient we can be.

    Bottom line - great excuse to skip a day of work!!!

    I'll keep everyone updated. I'll be looking to collect as soon as you commit so we can send in the deposit on the track. I can meet you for the cash or check and I also take paypal.

    This is going to be a great event.

    Brian Stetson
  23. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    how did you get bumped? Did you not put a deposit?
  24. Matto357

    Matto357 Crazyazn likes Naps Staff Member

    I am still in of course. Basically count me until I say I'm not in.
  25. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I'm in still in, just let me know when we need to send money.
  26. griggs81

    griggs81 Supporting Member

    I won't be able to make the 11th... Y'all have fun though!
  27. issueslude99

    issueslude99 New Member

    How many open spots do you have?
  28. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    We didn't put a deposit down - I didn't think it would be a big deal and in this case I was WRONG...oops. Learned my lesson.

    Here is the deal, I have 10 slots. I am running this thing with a friend of mine. He has the rest of the slots. I have 8 committments including SlowWRX and Griggs81. I also have one of the guys from Allpro instrested so really I have one slot still open. I would love to get the money from everyone this week. I can meet you out if that helps to colect cash or check - I also can take paypal.

    $130 per person - includes five to six sessions on the track of 20 minutes each. Also includes a pile of pizza for lunch. Its going to be a great time!!!

    E-mail me at (my personal e-mail) with your name, year/make/model of your can and contact information as well as preferred payment method. I would love to get the money this week if possible, then we can lock in the day.

    Brian Stetson
  29. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    One other thing. Another friend of mine has locked in little tally for the 6th of September. I know it is late notice, but he has several open slots - let me know if you are interested and I'll forward you his contact information.

    I would go myself, but it is too late notice, I already have other plans. Let me know and I'll hook you up.
  30. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Shoot me his info please.
  31. Matto357

    Matto357 Crazyazn likes Naps Staff Member

    Uhh, I'm still in.

  32. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    All right guys - we are in! We made the Deposit and we are locked in for the 11th of November. We have the track from 8am to 5pm. We'll set up 4 run groups and each group should get at least 6 20 minute sessions on the track and if we are efficient we should be able to get 7 or 8 sessions.

    Its going to be a great time. We are going to order a pile of pizzas for lunch and since it is a week-day the total is only $125 per person ($5 dollar discount...yea!). I have had a few folks drop out so I am back to two open slots. Let me know if you want to go! it will be a great time.

    For everyone who is going I'll be sending out a welcome packet and a few forms to fill out. We have a little time so no worries...just let me know if you want one fo those last two slots so I can lock you in!

    Keep the shiny side up!

    Brian Stetson
  33. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Just making sure you still have me on the list
  34. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    I am counting on you and Matto357! You guys are locked in - no worries. I already have Matto357 on the mailing list - if you could send me an e-mail with your contact information to I'll add you to the event list.

    I am really looking forward to it. Its going to be a great time. I'll be sending out a welcome packet and some other updates in the near future. At this time I have a single slot left - however, if anyone else wants to go let me know. Seems there is always one or two drivers that will drop out and I will be keeping a list of alternates.

    Thanks again for committing to the event.

    Brian Stetson
  35. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    Our bags are packed, the oil is changed and the tank is full of premium - I'll post some pics from our little talley track day this upcoming november 11th - lots of interest in participating, we'll be doing it again in the spring for anyone who would like to participate. Love to get the subie count up a little.

    Keep the shiny side up!
  36. bluedestiny

    bluedestiny Supporting Member

    I'll be interested in the spring!
  37. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    Right on, I'll post some photos of the event when I get back so you all will know what to look forward to! If you have never been to little talley before it is a lot of fun - especially the double hairpin!

  38. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Damn. Should have rearranged the schedule for this. I will next time.
  39. Stetson

    Stetson Member

    Hey all - I started another thread with a track report and pics. We had a great time last Friday - I was hoping a few more of you could have made it. We are going to do it again in the spring. Cost TBD, but it will be in the range of $125 a person for basically as much track time as you can handle! Seriously.

    Think about dates in the march time frame - in the meantime - check out my other thread and follow the link. It has some pics from last Friday.

    Have a gret one!

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