Look What Was Outside My Door This Morning!!!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Greg, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    :eek3: :eek3: :eek3:
    :eek3: :eek3: :eek3:
  2. Greg

    Greg Active Member

  3. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    that time of the month greg?
  4. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    looks like paint unless it was still really wet
  5. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    dont really look like blood.....

    looks like some kinda paint.
  6. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    he said it was, the police came
    it was all over the walls in the apartment that it lead to.
  7. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    No, it was wet blood. The police got here at 8am and just left about an hour ago. That appartment was fucking COVERED in blood! The floor, walls, ceiling... They still can't find the couple even though there cars are still here. They told me from the amount of blood that was found and the type of spatter, there was enough blood to classify it as a homocide without a body... They said that since it was still wet when I got to it, it must have only been about 30min max since it happened cause the 'drops' were still wet, not just the pools
  8. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Last edited: Jul 16, 2007
  9. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    thats what i said, i need a roomate too.
  10. What the hell? Keep us up to date!
  11. Yikes..... that happened to me a few months ago, except I found it when I was coming home and it wasn't quite that much.... and I already knew what it was from...... spooky..... very interested to hear if the police come up with anything.....
  12. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    Damn someone got F***ed up. I will be watching the 6 O'clock news to see if they say something about it. What area or apt complex?
  13. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

  14. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    I'm in Gainesville. Lake Lanier Club Appartments. I moved here not because its the most expensive one around, but because of that, it keeps all the gang bangers/drugies out cause they can't afford it. I've never heard anyone fighting or anything. Hell, I've never even seen my neighbors in over a year...
  15. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    that's cuz this guy^^ kills them all
  16. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    are they still not back yet?
  17. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    no, the appt. is taped off with a notice on it for them to call a number IF they come back
  18. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    hmmm, time to break your lease. or better yet sue the apartment owners for mental disstress.(JK)
  19. 1naplay

    1naplay Member

    :eek3: :eek4: :eek3: :eek4: :eek3:
  20. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    wow thats pretty crazy man. it will be interesting to find out what really happen.
  21. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Nah... just time for a bigger gun. [​IMG]
  22. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Man it looks like the blood was spraying out of someone like in movies when someone loses a limb. What were the people like?
  23. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    It was a hispanic couple, and the only times I ever saw him was when I was getting home around 3am or so and he'd pull in too.
  24. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    hmm, making burritos?

    better lock sophie up tight........
  25. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    that's seriously f'ed up. Keep 'er locked and loaded!
  26. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    :eek:hnoes: :eek3: :eek:hnoes: :eek3:

    That looks like some of the scenes we analyzed in my forensics class at school!
  27. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    damn thats crazy man!
  28. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Arterial bleed too...crazy...
  29. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    ^^ thats what i was gonna say. definitely looked arterial....
  30. redman

    redman Member

    I like your thinking Greg. :)
  31. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    E-VAC son E-VAC!!!!!!
  32. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    the thing is that complex is pretty safe complex... or so i thought.
  33. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    yeah. in my experience: blood=not safe
  34. Jeff6311

    Jeff6311 New Member

    What kind of place do you live at?
  35. STiBottom

    STiBottom Member

    A place where people get the sh*t knocked out of them aparently.

    I think I would be crashing at a friends house for a while.
  36. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    The odds of that happening again there are pretty slim. By now whoever did it knows that its been watched by po-po now and it probably wasn't a random occurrance. The couple probably got in a fight or something or maybe one of them just snapped like Chris Benoit. Either that or they got on somebodies bad side. I think the only way someone would come after Greg is if they thought maybe he witnessed it or something...
  37. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  38. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    It looks like a fair amount of blood. It doesn't look like there is any directionality... as if it dripped straight down from something either still or moving very slowly...

  39. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Is that your door? It looks like they stopped there for a good minute...
  40. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    Yeh, the thing that is strange to me, is that there are no foot or hand prints in the blood from what I can see. Hmmm...
  41. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Uhhh...sleep tight Greg...post up as soon as you wake up so we don't call the cops to come look for you...
  42. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    possibly a hand?? (holding it out away from them?) but that would explain that much blood....
  43. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    RUN, and i second the bigger gun line of thought :)
  44. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Yea, someone got a hand chopped off. Probably a drug deal.

    I talked to Greg on AIM:

    GPjamesSTI (Greg): the shotgun thats tied to the door knob should stop em


    In actuallity it probably wasn't a bad crime. Someone probably cut themself pretty badly and panicked. I guess we'll know tomorrow?
  45. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

  46. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    I'm standing in front of mine, it was accross the hall... yeah, no foot prints, hand prints, or smear marks...
    The blood trail either came from, or went all the way through the parking lot too... The police were baffled...
    I walked out the door this morning and I was like :eek4:
  47. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    I think it was a crime since neither of the residents have yet to be found and both cars are here.... Also, nothing came into any of the local ERs with that type of wound... And my brother has been on call all day for ER surgery, and nothing like that has been sent...
  48. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    O...well in that case
  49. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Holy sh*t no doubt keep it loaded. Whats funny is when I came over that day we were actually like, hey this looks like a nice and quiet neighborhood guess not WTF.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2007
  50. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    What is this world coming too?. I would move out asap....that's just me.


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