Looking for STI

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by D_K, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. D_K

    D_K Member

    Hey guys so a buddy of mine is set on getting an sti, and he is looking at the 08-09 model. The thing is we went to subaru and none of them had it, except one that was in the showroom. He wants to see it, drive it, and get a feel for it. His budget is 26k, so I don't know if that'll cover an 08-09 model. We are also considering the 06-07 model, but again the subaru dealership doesn't have any!

    If anybody could lead me in the right direction, or know of a place.. that would greatly be appreciated! Thanks guys!
  2. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

  3. slowdriver

    slowdriver Banned

    dont buy an 08~10 STi. They are total garbage. Plus, good luck finding one that cheap, new they are $34k+. Loaded units I've seen as high as $42k.

    Retail is still 31k, private party 28k and if you really want to get raped if you purchased it new, you can trade it in for 26k.

    kbb.com is your friends friend.

    Buy an 04~06. They are cheap and easily available. The 07 has ecu issues that subaru will not address so find a good tuner (or buy an AEM) before you even buy an 07.
  4. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    Mine might be for sale shortly...
  5. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

  6. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

  7. D_K

    D_K Member

    Thanks guys, i'll let him know.

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