lorem ipsum

Discussion in 'Test Forum' started by Alex, Aug 3, 2006.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Nullam sollicitudin erat. Vivamus arcu quam, mollis feugiat, cursus in, porta sit amet, lorem. Vivamus dictum justo nec lorem. Curabitur sed sapien. Nam sed elit. Donec ipsum metus, laoreet id, facilisis vitae, sagittis nec, nunc. In tincidunt, tellus sed aliquet fermentum, orci velit faucibus erat, vel molestie nulla eros id mi. Proin sodales nisl in orci. Duis non risus nec nunc nonummy hendrerit. Aenean dictum. Integer quis tellus. Aenean auctor, quam vitae dapibus venenatis, felis metus bibendum purus, in sodales mauris nisi quis libero. Fusce urna sem, pellentesque pulvinar, sollicitudin sed, luctus vel, elit. In et diam. Praesent ut pede. Quisque ornare, lectus feugiat egestas fermentum, justo ante sagittis nulla, rutrum rhoncus pede diam pretium ipsum. Praesent congue massa a quam.
  2. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    stop with latin!
  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member


    Nullam nec tortor. Curabitur rhoncus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque nonummy. Proin pellentesque dui ultricies enim. Sed cursus, tortor et egestas gravida, lacus quam mattis turpis, at dapibus neque arcu tempus elit. Aliquam porta ipsum semper est. Maecenas mi libero, commodo ut, porta in, mollis iaculis, dui.
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    "TransGaming Inc. is making its 'Cider' portability engine for Apple's Intel-based Macs available to Windows game developers. The software promises to let Windows games run on Intel Macs without Windows or Apple's Boot Camp. 'Cider works by directly loading a Windows program into memory on an Intel-Mac and linking it to an optimized version of the Win32 APIs,' the company claims. Cider is a software for game developers, not end-users. Cider-enhanced games are scheduled to appear as soon as October. If Cider works well, will there be any more Mac-specific game development? And if not, will it matter?"
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    "OSS Watch has recently concluded its 2006 survey of UK Higher Education and Further Education institutions. From the report conclusion: A positive picture of the use of OSS (Open Source Software) emerges in both HEs (Higher Education institutions) and FEs (Further Education institutions). Although there are considerable differences between the two types of institutions, in general OSS is used more often than in 2003 and institutions have higher levels of skills and experience of OSS compared to 2003. This survey shows that it is likely that, in the future, use of OSS will continue and expand alongside the use of PS (Proprietary Software)."
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Good, the reply issue has been fixed.
  7. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    not really

    but it works
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2006
  8. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    In a purus ac sem lobortis ultrices. Vestibulum in lorem. Sed elit. Sed mollis nunc et felis. Maecenas varius ligula nec quam. Morbi consectetuer ornare pede. In dictum metus ac urna. Ut risus elit, aliquet ultrices, blandit sit amet, venenatis eget, dui. Morbi mollis. Curabitur malesuada mattis ligula. Pellentesque ipsum diam, condimentum volutpat, tempor nec, posuere laoreet, quam. Vestibulum tempus egestas turpis. In pharetra imperdiet justo. Pellentesque arcu enim, sagittis ac, feugiat in, scelerisque sit amet, ipsum. Aliquam orci enim, ultrices in, tempus congue, convallis vel, eros. Maecenas id purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc bibendum, turpis in adipiscing varius, augue lectus tincidunt nisi, id egestas quam felis venenatis est. Nam pharetra semper urna.
  9. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    damn devil worshippers ;)

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