Lost my job

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by nik_05STi, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. nik_05STi

    nik_05STi Member

    Just got let go from my employer a couple hours ago. No notice was given, I was told right when i got back from running an errand for the office. I understood that business was slow, but damn. My boss told me that i could take a two week (unpaid) vacation until Jan. 2 because business was slow, but i said i had no plans of going out of town. He said I could use him as a good reference, but in the manner and timing of how he told me, don't care for him much. If anyone knows of any decent job openings, pls let me know. Thanks
  2. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    unemployment! he will pay you until you get another job
  3. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Wandering WiFi is always hiring...

    Just do a craigslist search for Wandering WiFi / Airwatch.
  4. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Dang man
  5. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    You can't really blame the messenger. It sucks, and I've been through it as well. Hell, a lot of us have gone through it/are going through it.

    What's your background?
  6. MeFryRice

    MeFryRice Member

    Terrible timing due to the holidays. :(
    Like Matt has already asked, give us some background information and we can all keep any eye/ear out.
  7. CelticPride

    CelticPride Banned

    What a bummer. Hope you find something soon.
  8. nik_05STi

    nik_05STi Member

    Well I started in May without any training. Since then I've gotten the company more than 15 bid invites from general contractors for hotel bids to provide bathroom construction. We couldn't even keep up with production if we went for half of those. I sold items to 99% of our walkins too. I did sales and marketing but I'm leaving that field. If anyone has experience with Google sketch, quickbooks, sales, bilingual is a plus, and marketing, they'll be seeking someone in January
  9. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    Don't go on unemployment, or you won't be really welcomed on here. Ask me how I know.

    As far as work. My place just slowed down, busy season is over.

    Not sure what your profession is, and your situation, if your willing to do hard labor, etc.... Check with TRC staffing services, they always have shitty jobs on the line.
  10. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I never got any flack for being on unemployment...It was more on how you came across.

  11. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    A lot of working people viewed it as if they supported you month to month. Maybe I was just given hell, or didn't notice the sarcasm.

    Anyways bud, gl on finding another job. They're out there, its just matter of how badly you want it.
  12. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    that's not how it works after all. the EMPLOYER pays unemployment, NOT the taxpayers. that's WELFARE
  13. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    "A lot of working people viewed it....."

    And in reality, a lot of people don't know that the employer pays for it, at least a big chunk of it. Their ignorance gets the best of them.
  14. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    Sorry to hear about the job loss, like most said, especially around this time of year. I'll keep a look out and see if I can find anything.
  15. nik_05STi

    nik_05STi Member

    I've been reading everyone's post and I appreciate the positive feedback. I'm not too worried but will be checking if you guys post any openings. I'm in the Marietta/Kennesaw area for any openings you know of.
  16. dtweezy

    dtweezy New Member

    wow, sorry for the loss.

    stay positive and look forward. utilize the time well and look at it as an opportunity to explore for something you really want to do.

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