Make-Your-Own Top 25!

Discussion in 'Sports' started by sol drums, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    I don't know where this is from, but I read it on college football board.

    Make-Your-Own Top 25!

    1. Number one. WHEW! Hard one here. Make things easier on yourself by just putting a.) last year’s champion here if they’ve got the same quarterback, or b.) Grab a team that won a BCS game last year and still has the same quarterback. You won’t look too crazy by doing either. If last year’s champ has lost their quarterback, move to slot 5 AUTOMATICALLY.

    2. Another easy one! Remember number two at the end of the year last year? You got it: just slide ‘em in here and keep rolling, rockstar.

    3. Okay, tricky one at three, one that might require one or two GOOGLE SEARCHES. The team that won their big BCS bowl game last year by a shocker? Roll ‘em right in. SPECIAL NEW YORK TIMES PROVISION: this is where you put Michigan. Because you know a guy who went there, and he was pretty smart and cool and all that, and you didn’t really have a good football team where you went to school since lacrosse was really the thing there.

    4. Another research one: take a team that’s a traditional power in the top ten. Did they go 8-4 last year? Or something like it? Okay, that’s your pick!


    6. A really easy one for the ol’ seis-spot: NOTRE DAME. They’re on television all the time and they had that movie with the kid from Goonies in it, plus they score like crazy these days. Even if they fall from the top ten you’re actually creating content for yourself, since you can then write one of your standard pairs of filler columns, the “wake up the echoes” preseason Notre Dame column/ “what the hell happened to the goddamn echoes” post-season Notre Dame column.

    7. Time to get bold here. Got a program that’s won a ton of games but never a big one? An offensive juggernaut whose almost beat significant opponents on a national stage but racks up fifty and sixty points on the midgets of the world? Seven is the place for them. It gives you BOLD pundit points and must be accompanied by a phrase of great certainty, like “This is the year they get it done.” If you hedge, just put Michigan in here and move on.

    8. Find out who the SEC champion was last year. Go ahead and put them here.

    9. This is always a good place to put a Larry Coker-era Miami team. If not, have you considered putting Florida State here? They’re always a nice place holder, too.

    10. Have you put all your Florida teams in the top ten? It’s essential to put them all in your to ten, if only to put them lower in your post-season poll, which then–thinking ahead!–gives you still more column filler in the form of “Sunshine State ain’t so sunny anymore” piece. If you hesitate to do this, again, just put Michigan here if you havent’ used them already.

    11-25: A little secret of the trade….no one reads these. No one. The only people who will read them in total are basement-dwelling slobboids who will then write 13 page screeds in response to your critical underestimation of Clemson/Cal/Northwestern/Louisville/Tech/Florida/etc..

    In reality, you will simply take the next fifteen teams you can name off the top of your head and rattle them off on the page, just listing them in no particular order and tagging each one with the only thing you can remember about them at the time. Example:

    #22: Fresno State: Bulldogs’ tough schedule will keep Pat Hill twiddling his mustache all year long.

    See? No research required. You know Fresno plays a tough schedule every year, and that Pat Hill has a bitchin’ mustache. Combine the two and presto! Instant content.
  2. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    I am confused... 25 what?
  3. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    I think he means womens curling teams!! "The spick & span" of the sports world."
  4. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    Top 25 College football teams in ranking order...
  5. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    curling = teh suck
  6. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    Yeah, it's jus me being a smart arse.

    it will be nice when the front door to the WRXatlanta forums is fixed.

    I'll stop the thread jacking now.
  7. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    yuh, you post whore
  8. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    look whos talking :cool:
  9. married05gt

    married05gt starting over

    nice post brett, first time ive seen that
  10. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    #1) Michigan
    #2 - #25) Sucky teams...

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