hey guys...monday night i wrecked the skyline..hoppen to order parts withen the week...would anyone like to come help install when they get here?
i jacked hood ,bumper,bumper support,left fender,headlight {glass..cut up pretty bad from it}corner light,intercooler pipe,...luckaly i was smart when i bought the car over a year ago..any time i say body parts from half cuts on ebay or jarco i bought them..so i have a hood,fenders,everything i need but bumper support and piping{and pride}..piping from canada is 750$ and support is 375$ plus shipping from canada..thanks so much for careing guys...hopfully will have parts in 1 week and have anyone over that wants to come ..thanks again
As long as you're not hurt TTIWOP and Coolrex is probably right, I would think aftermarket/custom piping would be cheaper. Siegel
I forgot the place but i got a bunch of my 1/2 cut S13 from them few years back I have to look for the name Its up I75