Meet on Saturday, August 26

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by STI LW8N, Aug 22, 2006.

  1. STI LW8N

    STI LW8N Member

    Mandatory meet for anyone who wishes to discuss future plans for Savannah area Suby enthusiasts. Time will be at 7pm. Location will be posted by Thursday afternoon, as to give us time to pick a convenient place for a large group discussion. I hope everyone can make it. I will also be sending out a text messege for the meet when location is decided. Thanks!
  2. scorcher2005

    scorcher2005 New Member

    Meet at a Sonic's!
  3. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    i don't know how i missed this post, but oh well....

    i will try to be there. i plan on changing out my clutch and flywheel on saturday, so if i get done with it, i will bring the car. if not, i can probably bum a ride up there.
  4. JM5999

    JM5999 Member

    i will make arrangements to make it, i'll be coming in from the field for it!
  5. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    i just talked to david, he wants to meet up at media play and then figure out where to go from there. he should be sending out a text sometime tonight about it....see ya'll then.
  6. WrxConedodger

    WrxConedodger New Member

    I'll have my car at your house when doing the clutch swap so if the clutch isn't done you can ride with me.

  7. suby113

    suby113 Member

    Hey guys just wanted to say great turnout tonight hopefully there will be a better one next time. See everyone again soon!:p :wavey:
  8. scorcher2005

    scorcher2005 New Member

    how many people/cars turned up?
  9. JM5999

    JM5999 Member

    there was about 18-20 cars last night, it was a great turnout
  10. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I am happy that you all had a great turnout....

  11. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    would have been one more car if we had finished my clutch biggie though, we finished up today and everything is working as it should. now i just have to get it broken in before the next autocross =)
  12. WrxConedodger

    WrxConedodger New Member

    Is it doing good still? Or has it left you on the side of the road j/k
  13. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    yeah, everything is fine.
    now i just need to put some miles on it...

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