Merry CHRISTmas all! or should i say "happy holidays???"

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by ShaneSTI, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    well i am saying merry christmas to you all. i also wanted to see what ya'll think of the word "merry christmas." i keep hearing on the radio, etc how buisness establishments are now saying "happy holidays" now so no one won't be offended by the word "CHRISTmas" cause of their religious preference, etc. i say if you don't like the word, leave our country, and stop trying to destroy our traditions. i don't see anyone else going to another country and trying to pull a stunt like this. the whole thing is just rediculous. of course i'm not gearing this to anyone here.:) i just wanted to see if anyone else here is kinda annoyed by this. not trying to stir up anything...i know we are a mature group here and can express our opinions freely w/out drama;) what are your opinions?
  2. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

  3. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I'm not real big on being politically correct, so here are my thoughts.

    If I say Merry Christmas to you, I expect a response if you respond with Happy Hanukkah then I will respond with Happy Hanukkah and I would expect you to respond with Merry Christmas, its just a respect thing.
    You aren't trying to offend anyone with the statement Merry Christmas, you are wishing them a MERRY CHRISTMAS that is all.

    SO Merry Christmas Everyone.
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Even WRXatlanta wished everyone happy holidays -- it appeals to the max. amount of users.
  5. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    yeah i don't think its wrong to say happy holidays or happy hanukkah. what i find weird is hearing if someone says merry xmas, and the other person just looks at them like wtf? how people are trying to take it out of the schools, and buisnesses. stuff like that. i have no problem w/ other cultures and religions. just don't take our traditions and beliefs away to accomodate others. its kinda like taking "one nation, under god" away from the pledge.:)
  6. blink

    blink Member

    I'm half-jew, and to me its not a big deal, . Wanna hang merry christmas knock yourself, if you feel that you'd rather hang happy holidays.. cool, whatever. I have to disagree with that attitude of like it or leave.. this country was built on tolerance, which goes both ways.. And not to start a religious war, (God knows we don't need anymore of those) but that attitude seems to be the typical christian response these days to something as irrelevant as this.. Last time I checked Christ was all about tolerance.
  7. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    honestly i'm not a religious nor polital person. i think if i went to another country telling them not to hang something or whatever cause it offends me, or its against my religion...they would just laugh at me.
  8. cannarella

    cannarella Member

    Merry Christmas to all. To those that are "offended", sorry.

    My company just changed from having a Christmas party to a Holiday party. That bugs the crap out of me. It has been a Christmas party for as long as the company has been around for over 50 years. Well I think people need to grow a spine and get over it.

    I am glad that the Sea-Tac airport put back up their trees. I would not be offened if someone wished me a happy whatever.

    What ever happend to sticks and stone will break my bones but words will never hurt me? People need to grow up.

    Just my 2 cents.

  9. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

  10. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    The "Happy Holidays" thing does my head in. Christmas is being celebrated by a Christian culture, so it should be expected and accepted that Merry Christmas is perfectly acceptable. I cannot imagine who would have such a problem with Merry Christmas and i would genuinely like to meet that person.

    I am convinced that alot of people of different ethnicity couldnt give a flying fuck but there is probably a very very small minority of people who bitch about everything, and it is to these people that the politically correct tarts who run society try and cater for.

    It's a wish of happiness and joy... it's not like wishing a slow and painful death! It's wishing people a happy time! If you get upset by someone saying "Merry Christmas" then you have some other issues in your life that you should be looking at.

    All of this coming from little old Atheist me!
  11. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Not to criticize, because I'm not the most politically correct perosn at time, but the "under god" wasn't originally in the pledge. It was first added in 1948. (

    Now, as for the cristmas thing, like previously stated, it's not done in an attempt to offend people. It's just tradition. When I hear "Merry Christmas" I don't that someones trying to push religion on me (same goes for "Happy Hanukkah"). I just think that it is a friendly gesture used to symboize the general warmth and friendliness that is the winter holiday season.
  12. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    I do think that the "Happy Holidays" thing has gotten out of control, but I can't relate since I'm Hindu and we don't really have a competing holiday and my family celebrates Christmas. Also, I think these complaints aren't really coming from any sort of majority, just the group of people that cares enough to speak out. There is always one person or one group that has a problem with a lot of things. For instance, we couldn't have our graduation at a church because one of the non-Christian parents was not willing to step into a church, which in this case is intolerant, just in the other direction.

    I don't agree with the "get out of our country" attitude though. That feeling of entitlement simply because someone is white and Christian really bothers me. I guess that strikes a sensitive nerve within me though since I've been told to go back to where I came from on more than one occasion. So someone assumed that I was of color, I wasn't born here. I actually was born in LA. Again, not trying to say that is what you were implying in any way, but I'm just saying that is something I've noticed becoming more and more prevalent in our society.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006
  13. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    +1 it was added in the late 40's early 50's if my memory serves me... to separate us from the "godless communists" during the red scare... kind of like "freedom fries" a few years back. it's playing on fear.

    it was originally NOT in the pledge specifically because the achitects wanted to promote tolerance.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006
  14. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Even though I'm an atheist, I still put up the tree, make cookies and put a pretty wreath on my front door. However the whole "if you don't believe or are offended what mainstream christian america believes get out", to me atleast, is really dangerous thinking. Is the next line of thought everyone in america should be christian? Last time I checked the pilgrims came to the new world so that they could worship how they liked. If anything, our traditions should be focused on having a tolerant and open society not telling people they should or should not be offended by something. And the whole "happy holidays" crap, I think it's all hyped by the media.

    Merry Christmas!
  15. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    I know most people here think before they post and nothing has gotten out of hand so far. So lets continue to keep it civil and respectable in here so we can keep this thread open for discussion.

    with that said Happy Birthday Jesus! and Merry Christmas to all :wavey:
  16. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    First of all. How do you know I'm christian??? My point of this all is not about being christian and believing of a certain God. My point is how that small few group try to change things that have been around for a long time...FAMILY TRADITIONS...not on a religious aspect. I'm actually half filipino/white, and again, I'm NOT a religious person at all. So everyone calm down. Sorry I expressed my views for once in my life.
    I like how you quoted me but added "what mainstream christian america believes." This is not what I am saying.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006
  17. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I agree wholeheartedly Stephen...Very good point....This whole Happy Holidays thing was getting to me also....

  18. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Merry Christmas Brotha......

  19. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    I understand where some of you are coming from with the feelings that more and more people are saying "get out of my country shit" but i think that's only a small number of people, i mean if we actually look at the current situation, it's the opposite crew who are in the upper position. You see Happy Holiday signs not "Celebrate or get the hell out".

    My opinion:

    Dump this Happy Holidays stuff. It's Christmas, it's a joyful and kind event, so being wished a merry one is nothing negative therefore if someone is offended then they should be ignored. In much the same way as if anyone gets offended when someone says "Happy Hannukah", they can bugger off too.
  20. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I personally am bothered by the Merry Christmas thing. I have nothing against the holiday, or saying Merry Christmas to someone. What does bother me is what I see all day at work, when walking thru the mall etc. I am jewish, my work is having a Cubicle decorating contest and encouraged all employees to decorate their Cubicle with their favorite, "Christmas Decorations." I don't care that they are decorating their cubes, that is their choice, but when they send out the department email encouraging everyone to decorate with their favorite "Christmas decorations" it makes me feel kinda left out and unappreciated. I know that that was an open invitation for me to decorate with Chanukah decorations if I want, but a large company like this should be a little more considerate of others. I work for a hugh company, and I am sure that if I was an asshole, I could fight them and make thier legal department get involved, basically on the terms of discrimination. I am not that shallow, or really offended for that to ever happen, but it could with someone else.

    It is a PC thing, and more just kinda cruel. Worse yet, my manager sits directly behind me, I come in from break the other day, and a couple people are hanging thier Christmas Decorations all over my desk.

    When a large company is trying to have some holiday fun, they need to be considerate of everyones feelings. It is bad enough that I go to the mall to do my Holiday Shopping, and I get to here 3 hours of Christmas songs, and not a single Chanukah song, not that I really want to hear the Dreidel song walking thru the mall. The work thing is what really bothers me more than anything else though.

    It is common decency to tailor things to appeal to everyone, not just the majority.

    That all being said, I am pretty much Anti Religion in general. I care just as little about the Jewish Religion as I do for any other religion. Comes Jan 1, I can put the holidays behind me for another year, and save my frustration for Holidays 2007 when it all happens again. <End Rant>
  21. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    If you think about it when people say "happy holidays" this is probably including Christmas and new years and all the time between. Holiday's being plural is denoting mutliple days to me. I know Jesus was not born multiple times :p
    If you break up the word Holiday into Holy Day. The church used the word holiday to represent special days on the Christian calender. Happy holidays could be taken as wishing someone happy times for all the Christian holidays :p.

    Or we could just all let it ride and when you hear Happy Holidays think of..... Green Day and the song Holiday :)

    Enjoy the tune..

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006
  22. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    I like that the best...happy holidays. Meaning all the Christian Holidays. But there is nothing wrong with saying Merry Christmas, no one should be offended by that. If a store owner or manager is Christian (or even not chirstian) and decides to put up some christmas trees then that is their choice. Just like if a Jewish store owner decided to put up menorahs this time of year then no one else should say anything either. It's their own personal space so they can do with it what they please. It just some decorations and people saying a phrase that is wishing a happy time during this time of year. And from alot of my jewish friends, hanukah isn't even that big of a holiday to them(obviously it may be for some). So if some one complains about it, it's really just pointless to me.

    But what ever!

    ~Merry Christmas~
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006
  23. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    says the guy that wears a "All I want is peace in the middle east and a bolwjob" tee shirt :keke:
  24. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    why can't we all just get along ;)


  25. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member


    I can feel for you. I believe that it is just common courtesy to respect others of different religions. I know a Jewish Dentist very well here in MD and I always say Happy Holidays. I feel it is important to be cognizant of the people around you at work and at home and respect their feelings towards this holiday or any other.....

  26. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    I think that "Merry Christmas" is a positive salutation...I have no problem hearing "Happy Chanukah" in return or "Happy Kwanzaa"....It's whatever you got going on that makes you all warm and fuzzy around this time and enjoy the company of family and friends....
  27. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    Indeed! Warm and fuzzy! And know, ...the good kind! Got a little captian in ya!?
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006
  28. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    yep...i have no problem at all too. its just when people say "i don't want to see Merry X-Mas signs and whatnot cause it offends me, take it down." my views have nothing to do with religion, ethnicity, culture, nationality, etc, etc.;) decorate your house with happy chanukah, merry xmas or whatever. does anyone see my point? again, has nothing to do with religion here.
    i really appologize about the "get outta town" remark. i really get along with anyone that is friendly back to me. i would think anyone here that knows me would agree. no pun intended.;)
  29. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard


    It takes courage to go ahead and formulate your dischord over this with others here.

    But I do disagree with your reasoning for feeling that way.

    As I see it....Just because someone is not of a religious faith as you during your religion's hoiday doesn't mean the flow of time somehow skips around them. When my Jewish friends, of which I have several, all say Merry Christmas to me, that is an acknowledgement to me. But when they also say Happy Chanuka to me in another sentence, I don't feel distraught in the least. They aren't trying to invalidate me with their remark.

    Being Christian is not a pre-requisite to having a Merry Christmas any more than being Jewish is a pre-requisite for having a Happy Chanukah time. Christmas comes and goes wether you're Christian or not.

    ... that being said, if i were in your shoes, I WOULD be annoyed. Just not offended, or descriminated. I would save the word 'descrimination' for things far more serious.
  30. I have a day off for Christmas.Not for any other season or holiday.It seems fitting that at least here at work and for me we would wish you a merry Christmas.I wish all a Merry Christmas and to some A happy Hanukah and to others happy Holidays.
  31. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    I don't mind Christmas, but I despise Christmas music.

  32. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    Yes indeed, but my girlfriend forces me to listen to it if she's in the car with me. I need to get an ejection seat put in...and shops you know of? Then I could get back to my metal...great year round!
  33. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    dude, nothing beats a good Bing Crosby christmas cd. You guys are missing out. I'm not saying I listen to it in my car, but chillin at home with the fireplace going...awesome.
  34. STiLLsLow

    STiLLsLow Member

    Christmas isnt a national holiday or tradition, its a Christian holiday that is celebrated by Christians. I could care less if i heard Merry Christmas (which i dont hear much cuz im brown lol) or happy holidays or whatever else anyones saying. like scooby snack said its a wish of happiness. plus this country was founded by christians and the majority of the population is christian (right?? haha) so no sh!t thats what people are gunna say. people who take offense can get over it!
  35. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    I agree. But it is a national holiday because this nation was founded on Christianity. That may have been what you meant at the end of your quote there.
  36. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Long story short, this is a time of giving and spending time with loved ones... you can tell me Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, shit.. Happy Satanday(though I probably won't want to hang out with you:)).. Point is, your wishing me happiness and good times! How can that offend someone???
    To the one poster who was offended by all the Christmas stuff at work/malls... I was with you until you stated your being Jewish had nothing to do with it. Sounds to me like your just annoyed, not offended. I think this country is out of control with its PC'ness. Were offending 90% of the US in an attempt to not offend the other 10%. Example, taking the 10 commandment statues out of the courts.. To me that is just ridiculous! No matter what religion(if any) you are, you have to admit the 10 commandments are good rules to live by. How could seeing them just really piss you off... If someone wishing you a Merry Christmas, 10 commandments in court, a football team trying to say a prayer before a game really makes you mad than I think you really need to evaluate your priorities... There's a WAR going on!, natural disasters are killing hundreds of 1000's, homeless people everywhere... There's PLENTY of things to be worried about rather than someone wishing you a MERRY CHRISTMAS... Get over yourselves and contribute to society!!!! Ok, maybe my story wasn't short............. With that said, Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate!!!!!
    /end rant
  37. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year:wiggle:
  38. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I agree with you 100%. I am not offended, just annoyed by it. And it is primarily at work. When you work with 100+ people, and half are not christian, then the company should be a little more PC about it and try to think of others.

    I don't mind someone saying Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, whatever to me. It is just work. Kinda like if I had a government job and the separation of church and state.

    I don't think I ever said discrimination, I said I felt left out and unappreciated.
  39. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    very well put Sonicboom. when i lived in japan, i noticed that the japanese even say, and advertise merry christmas...of course its written in katakana. and most of japanese are budhist too, not christians but they think of the holiday as happiness, giving, and being thankful like as it should be.
  40. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I am not offended. Honestly, there is nothing anyone on this forum could say or do that would really offend me. The whole mall thing is more just a rant for no reason. I shouldn't have brought that up, because honestly, after working in a mall for a few years, even non Christmas time, mall music annoys me. Christmas time means listening to the same christmas music over and over again, day in, day out. Non Christmas is the same thing, just with normal elevator music. I would guess that working in a radio station would be similar. They all play the same thing over and over again, and that is what annoys me.

    If you look at my first post, I never said offended. I said I was bothered by it and that was it.

    As for the 10 commandments taken out of courts, that should and needed to be done. Separation of church and state. Same way that religion has no place in public schools.

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