Metal Gear Solid 4

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Silver Surfer, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Member

    Sorry to just throw it out there like this but this is either the best game of this genre EVER or the just the best game ever!

    Even if you're one of those people who like the series for one reason or another, this version of the game IS THE BEST. All the nominal issues with the controls or camera or (for most people)the storyline have really been addressed in this final chapter of Solid Snake's story. Yea there are 90 minutes or 100 minutes or whatever cutscenes but there is like 30+ hours of gameplay if you don't rush thru it. Plus, the cutscenes are written way better than like 90% of the movie/tv shows out there(seriously, have u seen The Happening or The Strangers? I rest my case)

    If you have a PS3, buy it(duh) and if you know someone that has it, try it. Unless you hate action/stealth/combat games, you'll love it.

  2. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    I have it, just haven't had too much time to play... For the little bit I did play, I got very frustrated with the controls. I'm fine using the left analog stick for direction/running etc... but using the right analog for the camara is prooving to be very difficult for me. Admittedly, I'm not very good at these types of games.. but have never had any problems before. I finished MSG 3 with no issues. Is there a button I'm not hitting or something I just haven't figured out on how to keep the camara centered behind Snake? Right now I look like a drunk 3 year old running around...
  3. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I bought this game the other day, and I really regret it. I have never been a fan of Metal Gear, so I am not sure why I bought it, but I played it for a while, and I just don't like it.

    If anyone is interested in buying it, it is practically new, bought it for the normal sale price of like $59, but would be willing to sell for $40, or possibly trade for another game.

    On another note, I also bought Gran Turismo, and I am utterly disappointed with that as well. I have had it for 3 days, and I have beaten just about every race aside from the A class BMW and Ferrari challenges. I am no longer a fan of GT games. They seriously need to do something about damage. How they can not include car damage after Forza, Grid, and all the other games that do include it, is beyond me. Along with no damage, there are no car upgrades, and the car selection is just plain limited. The graphics are amazing, but that doesn't make up for the fact that I can take a turn that is really an 89 mph turn at 120 mph by just staying along the railing. Very disappointed.

    The only game I have so far that is worth a damn is GTA.
  4. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    upgrades and damage will be in the final version of the game IIRC

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