I know I post one of these every once in a while and nothing ever works out... but hope to get it tomorrow anyone know the previous owner? 2.5 turboback, ssr comps, blitz turbo timer.
Aspen white FTW. Glad to see you're finally getting one after years of trying. I'm guessing you found a buyer for the Maxima?
no set asking price... local auction. and yeah Bobby white is king But no buyer quite yet, someone that wants it but unsure as of yet... i'll just drop the price and try to unload it depending on wat happens. Hopefully things work out but you never know..
i'm going to check up see how bad the accident was... could just be a couple little things or more, who knows ill read up on it
i dunno if it was this car that hit the other or another car that hit this one.. could be front or rear end
Assuming everything is straight with the accident situation, all that baby needs is a drop to set it off, and that might make it one of the sweetest wrxs I've seen.
yeah get them in contact.. i'm ready to sell doesn't matter if i pick up this car or not... i'm just looking to get into a scoob