What kind of fmic do you have? The piping almost look like tusks or something the way they hang down. Maybe paint the piping black as well.
lol. the wagon with teeth. that is something to remember for the next autocross. hope you don't mind me answering for you travis.... the piping is all done by him i believe. it isn't a kit in the general sense, but he found some tubing and welded it all together. he wanted to keep his fogs, so now he has a wagon with tusks.
lol, that's cool. I could tell by the core that it wasn't suby specific. If he puts a lip on there it would probably not be noticeable at all.
hmm. looks like evo ams fmic. but i could be wrong. i think i saw that red one in the autox in AL month ago. he was drifting the whole time lol.
the intercooler core came from a civic si turbo kit that i modded, then made the piping. thanks for the compliments