Mobil 1 extended performance

Discussion in 'Latest Spin Forum Archive' started by moose, Mar 19, 2005.

  1. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

  2. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Still would change my oil every 5000 miles with that, it is good up to 15000, but that is just for lazy people who don't maintain there car. You go to sell your car and the person sees that you change your oil every 15000 miles and watch how quickly they magically disappear.
  3. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    You can really run oil for that long, I'm pretty sure the oil companies have to guarantee their oil wont break down for either 7K or 10K miles, I forget.

    I wouldnt recommend it but as long as your oil isnt too dirty you could try it.
  4. BlueBox

    BlueBox Member

    I run Mobil 1 5-30 and change it around 5k. It is probably good for longer but that is getting close to my 'paranoid' zone. In the back of my mind I keep thinking 'man this stuff isn't any thicker than water..'...
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I change from 2500 to 3500 miles of use depending on the type of use.
  6. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    I would go with 10w30 when running a synthetic. 5w30 is too thin i think
  7. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    I normally change mine every 2500 just to be safe...
  8. BlueBox

    BlueBox Member

    Maybe it is too thin.. could be why my car seems louder than other WRX's. But then it uses none and the power seems fine. I started using it at 3k and now have 57k. JWX and I discussed this and he's 'you are killing it'. Okay.. I'm the guinea pig. I'll let ya know when it explodes.
  9. jasonhunt007

    jasonhunt007 New Member

    Since I like to change the oil at least every 5,000 miles, I like using the GTX synthetic blend. In addition, I have been using a wrx oil filter on my sti....maybe someone has compared the wrx filter with the "special" sti filter...have not had any problems...thanks
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  10. jasonhunt007

    jasonhunt007 New Member

    correction: I like using...sorry

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