Anybody know where the thread about the Ga. law for moving over for emergency vehicles? I've searched, but could not find it again. Thanks.
Not the one I was looking for. It was the one about if a cop has someone pulled over you have to change lanes to move away from them. I didn't see that specifically in that thread.
I don't know about the thread but isn't the law that you have to move over a lane if possible and if you can't then you have to be going slower than the speed limit.
yep thats it. i was tring to look it up but didnt find it either. it was pretty old though. like at least 5 months ago that was posted.
yep ga law is you must slow down or switch lane for all emergency vehicles....they have signs up all down 85.... I totally hate seeing people fly past emergency vehicles and not even slow down at all...
I got pulled over for not pulling off the highway for an ambulance. I explained to the cop....I slowed down and pulled as far to the edge as I could. Then I explained I am not pulling on the grass to have my front smashed up and all because I can't see something in that tall grass. He understood and let me go......whew lucky.
Legally.... If you do not move, they have the right to force you off the road... Although, thats a last resort option for them, but if its something thats life and death, and your car is in the way... You WILL move, whether you want to or not
what happens if there is no shoulder or no place to move over to? Curious I hope you don't say "they'll ram you out of the way because they have a bumper guard installed for that purpose"
They'll try to find any means possible to get around you, but if theres nothing, moving you is the only option. Like I said, its a last resort method.
Very very rarely does it come to that..... a big red fire truck will make enough of a statement to get anyone to move..... now if someone is deliberately in your way that may be a different story..... me personally, I've never encountered traffic that wouldn't find a way to let me through one way or another.....
And yeah, the move over law carries a nasty fine (plus 6 points IIRC)..... I would avoid getting one of those tickets if I could help it.....
Yeah but moving my damn car off the road with no shoulder is a no no. I'll fricking haul ass for them before I pull onto a shoulderless road. GA laws may differ from SC but I'll be damned if someone will ram me off the road.
I've always wondered that... if you are in that situation, and you haul ass to pass a line of cars with them following, then get over as soon as possible, would that piss them off, or what...?
Most of the time, as long as you get out of my way, do what you gotta do, within reason..... don't quote me if you get pulled over though.....
what i really can't stand are the people who nearly cause an accident trying to get BEHIND the emergency vehicle after it passes in rush hour traffic. that's just weak.
I always get pissed off with the people on Roswell Road who just panic when they see any emergency vehicle. Even when it's in the opposite lane with plenty of space they've still gotta slam those brakes on!
they are supposed to do that. unless the road is divided and there is no turning lanes, everyone is supposed to stop
Thanks, BKiller had the site I was looking for. A friend got pulled over in S.C. and the cop sited this as being nationawide except for four states, which I do not believe to be true. Anyways, his home state does not have the law and hopefully he can plead some sort of ignorance.
speaking of getting pushed off the road..i was at the exit of 75n and northside drive when the big bad a$$ hero truck came flying up behind me..i tried my best to get out of his way..but for those of you that use that exit know there are those huge round plastic reflector things..i made my way over w/ out hitting i positioned myself back once he passed..i caught the back end of a an sti going right on northside drive from 75 north..think it was black.. k...thats my story