Moved to Atl, Insurance went up

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by jayscoobiedoo, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. jayscoobiedoo

    jayscoobiedoo New Member

    I moved to Atl in March from VA, Gieco freakin raised my Premium by 358 $ and explaind that by saying ATL has a higher rate of Claims than where i was before.I think i am gonna be shoppin around, what do you guys have for car insurance?
  2. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    yep, higher number of claims and (as my insurer explained) a higher number of
    more expensive cars riding around.

    --Alfa here, around $80/month with lots of discounts
  3. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    My insurance(8 years ago) dropped by almost 1/2 when I move here from Michigan.... I use State Farm now and I think its a little high...
  4. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    i like progressive, they give good discounts. I'm 21 and paying 135 a month.
  5. Dacula Dean

    Dacula Dean Member

    This could have something to do with how much drivin' people do here, too. Last night, I talked to a guy who moved here from some north-midwest city (It was late, and the band was loud, and the details didn't matter much). He'd just leased a truck. He said that the dealership wasn't accustomed to leasing trucks because people tend to drive so much here - lease terms just aren't attractive.

    More driving = more mistakes. Bad for insurance.
  6. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    I have nationwide I pay around 115 a month incl renters ins for the apt. It also depends on how far you drive from home to work everyday.

    It's a lot of "cheap" companies out there but soon as you have an accident your fault or not you will be S.O.L. I know all too well.
  7. flip

    flip Member

    I use State Farm. Some say it's high but it just depends on what all you get on your plan. They will work with you to get something worked out that you can afford and covers what you need. I'm under 25 and am paying 190/month on my 05 STi... I know people with non sports cars paying more than me...
  8. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    That's better than how much I'm getting f***ed.

    I have Geico, moving to midtown ATL from Orlando. My insurance went from about $700 every 6 months... to $1400!!! ($120/m to $234/m) Double! I'm 23, and have been pretty clean for 5 years (some accidents in high school). Oh yeah, and I'm going to WALKING to school and work!!! Am I getting screwed? Should I get some other quotes?
  9. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    the insurance on my WRX was ~1300/6 mos (full coverage) before i turned 25
  10. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    My insurance went up quite a bit when I moved to ATL.
  11. blink

    blink Member

    Holy shit thats high.. my cousin's insurance went up to that after he got his DUI.
  12. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    dont get the hartford they will screw you over. My rates are horrible but my parents wont switch. My rates are between 2500-3000 a year full coverage right now. Thats with a perfect driving record.
  13. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Erie told me after my accident that with a New WRX my rates would be about 1300 every 6 months, called Progressive and they said 1300 a year, so I switched.
  14. Ayrton

    Ayrton Member

    It actually cost me less to insure my 05 STi than it did my 01 Mustang GT. Geico is well known for thier high rates, and laser gun give aways.

    For what it is worth, I use Mercury.
  15. blink

    blink Member

    I use to use Mercury, they rock'd until they dropped me.
  16. jayscoobiedoo

    jayscoobiedoo New Member

    So im not the only one here !, I talked to Gieco over the phone yesterday and told them i am gonna shop around for quotes, They did an about turn by saying she will call me today at 6:30 and try to get me a discount.
  17. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Yes, but now she has to actually call you, which will most likely not happen.
  18. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    mine is 480 per month..
    sucks to be me..
  19. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    you guys may be forgetting something. Is Virginia a mandatory Liability coverage state?
  20. jayscoobiedoo

    jayscoobiedoo New Member

    LOL Its 10:00 pm and youre right so far

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