Movie Review: Doomsday

Discussion in 'Movie Reviews' started by SonicBoom, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Unfortunately... I have to report yet another "Meh" rating... It is entertaining, you will not be bored, and again.. I'll say its worth seeing once.. Having said that, here goes. It is nothing but a HUGE rip-off of the best parts of several movies, only not done as well. It starts off like Outbreak/28 Days Later with a dash of whatever special forces ops movie you want to pick, goes into Escape from New York & LA with a helping of Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome, then.... you are magically whisked off into medieval times a la King Arthur/Excaliber + Gladiator. But, don't get too comfortable here, because then you get into a chase scene ripped directly off of Mad Max, in which a 500hp Bentley can't outrun the biggest POS cars you can think of. Then wrap it up with a little 28 Weeks Later and its over.
    On the plus side, the main hero is a very attractive chick with one eye(again a direct rip-off of Escape from NY only female). A little bit of quality T & A from a large breasted shotgun toting blonde in a bathtub right off the bat.
    On the bad side, as I mentioned, there's not one ounce of originality to this film, the plot-line is very willy nilly, with not much explained. It is VERY gory, with some pretty gross beheadings, cannibals BBQ'ing their victims, face smashings, diseased victims with gross boils etc... which I guess could all be a plus(depending on your taste :) ). The soundtrack is terrible, which I know I might get some flack from some on this comment. I'm all for 80's British punk, but they picked the worst of it. For example, when the ultra punk bad guy with the tatoo's from the commercial, has his big speech.. and they play who? Fine young Cannibals followed by fat guys in kilts(spell) dancing to another crappy soung. Ok, ok.. I get it, everyone there is a cannibal.. but still. And there are so many things your just not supposed to think about its pathetic. For example, Scottland is supposed to have been completely cut off from the rest of the world for the last 30 years, but they still have electricity and gas for all their mad max mobiles.. Your also expected to believe they have all turned to cannibalism, when they just showed a huge field of cows! Not to mention all these guys are clean shaven and heavily tattood...
    Like I said, worth seeing... but nothing special... going back to my scary movie thread where I said that everything has been done before, and all we can do is redo the same old shit or resort to extreme gore... in which this movie is guilty on both parts...
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2008
  2. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Has no one seen this and has an opinion? I want discussion about it before its been to long and I forget most of it...
  3. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    have not seen it. i always overlook it for something i might be able to stand. i always try to rent all the movies i know i wont pay for in the theatre but this one has slipped through my system. Great write up buy the way.
  4. It was so-so.It reminded me too much of too many other movies.I would say this is for die-hard fans of post-apocalyptic type of movies w/cars and cannibals.

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