Movie Review: Nightmare on Elm St. (2010)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by SonicBoom, May 7, 2010.

  1. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    1st of all, what happened to the sub-forums?? we had a movie review section that is now gone :( Anyways, wanted to review the new Nightmare. I thought it was good overall.... Michael Bay is allways very hit or miss with me... more misses than hits. It seems like he is good for action, but actual story telling.. not so much. On one hand,his reboot of Friday the 13th was terrible.... but the 2 Texas Chainsaws were good... So, I was skeptical going in, even more so because I loved the original and a few of its sequels... I was also very skeptical about someone other than Robert England doing Freddy. The new guy did a decent job, I liked him in Watchmen... He pulled off a decent creepy, but not so much on the scary. That guy is TINY, his upper arms are the same size as his wrist.. and he can't be more than 5 foot 2.. England wasn't big either, but he wasn't tiny like this. But, like I said.. he is a good actor, so I give him a pass. The rebooted story was decent... keeping pretty much inline with the original, with enough twists and changes to make it its own. As far as the scare factor.. at least in the theater, was high. The movie did heavily rely on jump-scares (close-up of actors face... then BAM!! FREDDY!!!). I usually find this to be a weak tactic, but it worked ok here and made it fun. A few of the scenes were WAY too CGI(Michael Bay, imagine that)... I think Wes Craven did better with 1980's regular ole special effects. For example, when chick is in bed sleeping, and Freddy comes stretching thru the wall... much more effective with a rubber sheet then CGI. It looks really bad here.... Overall, worth seeing :)
  2. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

  3. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ahh.. must have missed that...

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