My court is worse than Ben'

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by STI LW8N, May 11, 2006.

  1. STI LW8N

    STI LW8N Member

    I'm glad that ben's court finished well, however, i have my court date on june 14th. I got tagged doing 87 in a 45, aggressive driving, reckless driving, following too closely, failure to maintain lane, and my address on my license was out of date. On top of lawyer fees and driving school, i'm prolly looking at 800+ court fees and possibly anger managemnt courses. So ha, i got you beat. I was just accelerating on a public road and changed lanes too qwuick, they were trying to get me for a dui, but i don't really drink, and never drink and drive. So i'll let everyone k now how my court comes out when the time comes. wish me luck!
  2. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    That sucks man. But I have to admit I'm keeping it kind of slow now days. Two tickets and one little fender bender has me all messed up as far as insurance prices go. And being over 25 isn't helping at all.
  3. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Sounds like the cop was pissed. I got a ticket for 72 in 35 once and the only charge was speeding.
  4. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    it def sounds like someone pissed in his cheerios

    let us know how it turns out
  5. Goose013

    Goose013 Member

    mine is worse, but we won't go into that....still pending :(
  6. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Good Luck to you...

  7. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    holy bejesus....what's up with the cops in savannah? man you got hit for everything you could have possibly gotten dang. g'luck to ya...always think the worse could happen, but hopefully it doesn't turn out like that.
  8. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    "Gwinnett is Great"
  9. flip

    flip Member

    Wow, good luck with that one... I've had a few of my own but have gotten pretty lucky to not get busted when I was going rediculously fast. I really don't speed too much any more tho. The last week I had my integra I got a 20 over, and the first week I had my STi i got a 20 over so I took that as a message and am letting my points build back up. Now normally I either stay in reason with the speed limit (10-15 over) or just speed in short bursts... (hard to resist)
  10. After hitting two things on the road and spending alot of money, probably more money than the court/ticket fees, I drive like a grandma lol

    Good luck with everything! ;)
  11. Just a hunch, but I'd say there's a little more to this story than just that..... ;)

    Either you were driving like a complete maniac or you did something horrible to piss that officer off...... Being cited for aggressive and reckless driving means you were road ragin' and still did something stupid on top of that..... I don't know of any officer that's gonna cut both those tickets to the same person just for the hell of it......

    I've talked to a few Savannah cops, they've all been great guys. That said, yeah, they're pretty hardcore about traffic stuff....... Good luck bro..... :D
  12. STI LW8N

    STI LW8N Member

    i floated across the lane top switch lanes cause i couldn't figure out fi the person in front of me was getting over or not, so the cop said it looked like i was trying to run them off the road, which wasn't true. but thanks everyone for the good luck.

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