My plight as a Tech student/fan

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Deke, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    So maybe I should have posted this in "sports" section, but I feel that the discussion will reach a little more broad than just sports. Mods, if you feel it absolutely neccesary to move this, go ahead. Just know that I will secrelty hold a grudge against for the rest of your days on this earth :squint: (ok not really)

    I don't think anyone but a Tech student that lives in Georgia could really totally understand where I'm coming from on this one, but give it shot.

    As I'm sure you all know, Georgia Tech was once again beaten by UGA in the annual "rivalry" game (I'll explain why a quoted the word "rivalry" in a bit). I don't really want to get into the specifics of the game. But I do want to declare that Georgia Tech is inarguably the better football team this year. However, it is obvious that this seems to go out the window when it comes to this game.

    Now on to the "rivalry." I find the current state of the UGA Tech relationship very bothersome. To most Tech fans, the UGA game is considered one of the biggest of the year. This is not the case to most UGA fans. I would say that the majority of them consider another SEC team as their biggest rivalry. Now, simply, this sucks for us. This makes us just look like a pest to them. Can this be remedied? Of course it can. But it's going to take Georgia Tech to snap this losing streak and create a winning streak of their own.

    Now on to the real plight of my fan-age. I don't think the majority of people really know what it feels like to be a Georgia Tech fan from the state of Georgia. Well let me be the first to tell you, it often sucks. I don't know how exactly it happened, but somewhere along the line, Georgia Tech became the bad guy. Basically, it seems that if you or your parents didn't go to Georgia Tech, then you are a UGA fan. And let me tell you, nothing is more frustrating than being chastised by a Bulldogs fan who has absolutely no affiliation with UGA. Why does everyone in the state of Georgia (excluding Tech students and alumni) root for UGA? It seriously angers me, that to so many of my friends and acquaintances, I am a bad guy for being a Tech fan. When in reality, I have so much more of a right to be a fan of my school (that's right MY school) than they do of "theirs" (UGA). "Their" school that they have never had any connection to other than watching them play football on TV.

    I guess that's all I really have for now. But let me just say, if you are one of these people that I am so frustrated with, and you gloat to me about this weekend's game. I'm going to give you the same response that I've given everyone else, "Go swallow a knife."
  2. thebigph

    thebigph longing for another subie Supporting Member

    if it makes you feel any better i can't say anything good about uga. i have just a few friends there of whom i give shit to all the time for anything to do with uga. i go to state so i don't feel as strongly about tech as you do but i do have friends who go there who i would side with any time before a uga person. just thought i'd let you know there are some people from GA with no affiliations to either school who don't like uga.
  3. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Try being a Lions fan in Goergia and get back to me....
  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    some of my friends root for UGA though they never went to UGA... their reason is that they hate tech... why?... cuz tech rejected their application ;)
  5. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    first off your always gonna have people that are supporting fans that didn't go to that school. you don't have to be alum to be a fan. that being said i agree it is hard to be a techy in ga. even on a loosing season there are more uga fans in ga than tech. how do you change that. go out there and win the games your supposed to win. most of techs problems are with constancy. on to the rivalry; your right uga's biggest rival isnt tech but that doesn't mean that uga cant have more than one rivalry. i know my school has 3, one of which is uga. your totally right if you beat them year after year you might get there respect but until then it just wont happen.
  6. gooooooooo DAWGS, get em RUFF RUFF RUFF

    lol just kidding.

    I hate UGA, because they stole my high school sweetheart from me :(
  7. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    It's all due to the generalisations mate. I'm a UGA student and by no means am i the stereotypical UGA student, in fact i often loathe that "typical frat student" but that's a different discussion.

    The problems all in the name for a starter. Georgia TECH.... It's a technical school and people don't like that. The general consensus in society is that the engineering type are more intelligent and thus make them feel inferior in some regard. Whereas the stereotypical UGA student is some baseball cap wearing, bud light drinking, suv driving, meat head. People don't feel so intimidated by that image and thus, go onto to show more support for them.

    The image of UGA is considered "cooler" than Tech. Tech is a predominatly male school for a starter, so it's already got the immature gay card playing against it. Whilst UGA is mainly women, and some very good looking women at that. It's considered a more fun time; the result of this being people wanting to associate themselves with the fun time party school. Not the male, engineering, harder work school.

    Now i'm not saying that this applies to everyone, but it does to the vast majority.
  8. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Haha I'm liking the input on this. I'm just going to say that I was a little bit hostile when I wrote this. It was after many "Go Dawgs" from friends and such, and the kicker was one of my friends that goes to Furman saying something about the game (let me add she's also a Duke basketball fan...bandwagon maybe?). I really don't hate UGA fans (or at least the majority) and I do agree, Athens is indeed a very fun town. I guess it's just the lack of respect that gets to me sometimes. And I just hate the fact that in most sports, when we play UGA, it's like our players are psyched out. Take for example basketball. When Tech went to the National Championship game a few years ago, we still lost to Georgia in the regular season.

    Eh, it just frustrating...
  9. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Ehh......GO DAWGS!!!

    Sorry had to be done. I hold nothing against tech. I got accepted there too, but decided UGA would be better suited to my major at the time (beer and women at that point). But I knew guys that went to Tech and had a good time. But ya gotta be real...Athenshas 137 bars in 1 sq mile. I know this because when I was a pledge in my fraternity I had to count them and make a list one night, lol. Not sure how many of them are still there, but I would guess quite a few of them under varius name changes, etc. I definitely had the full college experience....fraternity, classes, was a cheerleader for football and basketball, was an RA, and learned the lesson of telling a hot bitchy chick to piss off (Personality really does matter, lol.)

    Believe me, UGa had it's fair share of blupers this year...Vanderbilt at homecoming for god's sake!!! It's all about which team comes ready t play that day. But you are right we never considered Tech to be the BIG rivalry. Florida mostly, sometimes Auburn and most of the time UT. Never had anything against Tech, but then my grandfather went there.
  10. AWD OWNZ U

    AWD OWNZ U Member

    All my friends back home have heard of neither GA Tech nor UGA. lol I'm glad I went to Michigan. Go blue!

    I thought this post would be about how much GA Tech's football team sucks.
  11. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    as long as it's not ohio state football i don't care who wins. Go blue, or whoever else is playing them.

    I have tech and UGA friends, just never at the same time :)
  12. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    If Tech really wants to piss off UGA and make them consider us a rivalry, take the University of Florida approach and beat them 15 times in 17 years! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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