YAY!!!! :banana: http://www.autoblog.com/2007/12/12/nbc-officially-announces-knight-rider-new-k-i-t-t-unveiled/ It would be awesome if it were anything OTHER than a mustang, but....
its..just not going to be the same...that's like having justin timberlake or something playing a new fresh prince of belair...sigh..I miss hasselhoff and the original kitt..and all the lame awesome camera angles, stunts, and scripts....not to mention the clothes...damit..gota go buy dvd pack now!
^I can garuntee it. I'm sure there are stang guys already preparing or already buying stuff for their stangs so it looks like a new kitt.
seriously though..transformers already used the stang so its played out...tsk tsk..why not like a z06..atleast keep it GM..
lame... Vehicle Type: Front engine, on-demand all-wheel drive, two-door coupe.. I have a feeling there are going to be way too many special fx when the new kitt does something...oh well..guess we'll find out soon enough...
I miss that show... We are such children of the 80's. We want all our old favorites back and for them to be exactly the way they were.
Yeah those were the good old days...I remember watching AirWolf, MacGyver(spelling), and the A-Team on the couch with my Father....O the good old days...
I was forced to watch *M*A*S*H* ugh, I HATED that show....mostly cuz I had no idea what the hell was going on and what half of it meant....LOL
I agree a Kitt Zo6 would be redic. But I missed Knight rider; glad to see it return. Now they just need to bring back the A-team and just about everything we knew and loved from our childhood has made a return.
I want A-team, Battlestart Gallactica(not the crappy new one), Magnum PI and the whole Saturday morning line-up of cartoons..... Looney tunes, Flinstones, T & J, He-Man, Thundercats... etc......