Need a Favor …

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by chuglobal, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. chuglobal

    chuglobal Member

    I didn’t know if I should post this in the Classified or Off Topic section so I just decided to pick one. Lynn and I recently launched I Stumbled Upon and we need a favor from the Subaru community/family … go to and if you think it’s cool (which we hope) then become a Facebook Fan. Quick and Simple.

    Also, if you and/or you know someone that’s into contemporary & modern furniture and housewares or that’s about to purchase his/her first home, then please point them to I Stumbled Upon. We’d definitely appreciate it. Thanks. :sx:
  2. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Discounts for wrxatlanta members :)?
  3. chuglobal

    chuglobal Member

    Yo ...

    Of course ... gotta represent ;). PM, Email or Call for "special" pricing.
  4. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    nice stuff, thats my kind of furniture. my mom has an upscale furniture/accessory store in richmond hill, ga (just south of savannah). good to see someone else being brave and jumping into the furniture market!

    for some reason facebook is being stupid but ill try to post a link to it later
  5. chuglobal

    chuglobal Member

    Yo ...

    Haha, I appreciate the compliment. It's funny you mentioned it because I had a friend who's another car guy come over last night as we don't see each other but maybe 1/6 months. He was like "... this is some nice stuff ... this is definitely my taste, clean and simple ..." I noticed that the car peps seem to have similar tastes. ;)
  6. chuglobal

    chuglobal Member

    Yo ...

    Anyone else, last day. ;)
  7. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Last day for what?

    Site is relatively clean, albeit unconventional color use. Unfortunately, I am becoming less and less a fan of the OSC/CREloaded based ecommerce sites. You will understand why in 1 to 2 years of using it :)
  8. chuglobal

    chuglobal Member


    Alex, I was referring to the last day of the FB Fan promo. ;) Also, what does the CRE acronym stand for? Have we meet before ... I'm trying to put the name w/ a face?
  9. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Wirelessly posted

    Cre stands for "chain reaction ecommerce".

    I believe we've met, but I am not sure.

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