This is a combination of track-days and races. The track is incredible, info on the event can be found over at Nasioc here: Unfortunately, passengers are not aloud. I 'think' passengers can ride with instructors, but not sure. Scott Siegel will be one of many instructors. He will be playing in my car, his spec Miata, and some other student cars I imagine. The main reason I am posting is to try and find some one gifted in audio/video that would like to 'cover' the event. We would have 1 or 2 cameras on the car (inside and out), and possibly 1 more camera track side, the A/V guy would cruise around to different trackside view points to get footage of me, TreyS, and other cars present. Sat night we would study in car video. and then do it all over again Sun. Post race, the A/V guy would do what they do best and edit all 2 or 3 feeds into a cool little video, maybe 20 or 30 min total. I would also need CD copies of all the video. So I basically am looking for some one that is really good with a camera for track side and is really good at editing video. I would be willing to buy food and gas (or you could ride with me out there). You could definitely stick your name on the video, which will end up all over the web (Nasioc, Siegel racing, SubyDude, and others). IF, instructors can take ride-a-longs, you could ride with Scott in my car (300whp, race pads and suspension) for 1 hot session each day. Scott has done the editing in the past but I was trying to find someone with tallent j/k If anyone is interested or has a friend that would be down, let me know ASAP as this is only ~8 days away. Take care, javid