So it has become apparent that my clutch is getting old and will need to be changed someimte in the near future. I have around 54000 miles on the rex so I'm not too happy that I'm already needing a new one, but then again it went longer than with some people. I figure it has a pretty good lifespan considering my wrx was the first manual car I owned. So anyways, I'm trying to figure out what I want to do for a new clutch. I don't have a whole lot of power mods and don't expect to so I'm not to worried about having a true racing clutch. I want something that still has very good street driveability. I also want something that will hold up at least as long as this last one did (hopefully longer now that I'm really good with driving my car). Any suggestions? I have no objection to just using an oem clutch, but I was just wondering what else was out there.
there are lots of options. Check the reviews on NASIOC for each one before you take the plunge, each will feel different to you. Try and find something that fits your style. Stay AWAY from the STi organic cluch that subaru performance parts sells. The feel is terrible! I know that we sell ACT, Clutchmasters, and SPEC clutches. Let me know if you want a quote.
STAY AWAY from ACT clutch unless you want a busted tranny. Stick with OEM unless you are gonna push 300+ whp soon.
Well I'm not sure I plan on doing that ever (at least as long as this is my only car). So if that really is the case, oem it shall be. I guess I'll still do a little research though.