New guy with a wrecked wrx

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Kevin, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    New to the area (been here since Jan). Just wrecked my wrx.
  2. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    I tried looking on nasioc for a south east forum, didn't see one
  3. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    What my mod list used to look like
    STI seats
    Biltz DDT, turbo timer
    PLXdevices DM-100 with EGT and AFR sensors
    Pioneer AVH-P5700 DVD player with touchscreen
    infinity speakers
    KW ver 1 coilovers
    Group-N top hats front rear
    Cobb Front/Rear Sway bars
    17x7.5 SSR Type C wheel
    Kic R40 Lug nuts
    2.5L engine built by PIA
    Cobb AccessPort Vr3 protuned
    TurboXS FMIC with BPV
    APS 3.5" TBE
    ACT StreetLite Flywheel
    ACT street clutch kit
    DeatschWerks 750cc/minute Fuel Injectors
    Walbro 255Lph fuel pump
    Beatrush Cooling Panel
    BeatRush underpanal
    Beatrush subframe
    Group-n motor/transmission mounts
    Whiteline bushings set
    Drain valve
    Koyo Aluminum radiator
    Apex-i AVC-r
    Kartboy bushings set
    Crawford air/oil separator
  4. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    I will be selling as a whole (preferred) or part out.
  5. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    <iframe width="480" height="360" src=""></iframe>
  6. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    Did this just turn into a for sale thread.
  7. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    Na just interdicting myself... Can't really say anything else about myself. Had the car built/was in progress then taken away by a semi truck driver that wasn't paying attention.
  8. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    welcome to the community...sorry to hear about your car. They totaled it out?
  9. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    Ya totaled
  10. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member


    All of that damage from the truck or did you get pushed into another car or guardrail? Looks horrible. Glad you're here to talk about it.
  11. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    just saw the links with the pics.... ouch!
  12. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    So... On the 285, I was completely stopped in traffic. The semi truck hit me from behind, plowing me into the back of a tow truck (the big kind for semi trucks).

    Just happy I wasn't hurt.
  13. Justin V

    Justin V Member

    Yeesh interested in the wheels if you part out.
  14. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    Not parting out as of yet. Don't really want to bc of time and space
  15. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    I was hoping to get enough cash to stay in a new subaru... But it looks like the insurance company is trying to under cut me:(
  16. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    You don't have to accept their initial offer. Who is the insurance company?
  17. Kevin

    Kevin Member

  18. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    Ouch. That sucks man. Glad you are ok. Is their insurance giving you issues or yours?
  19. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    Kinda both... The way it works with aftermarket parts is they look for similair cars with aftermarket parts also the take an average.

    The issue is I don't get to see the cars they use so who knows if it is a fully built engine or just a cold air intake
  20. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    You are kind of screwed on aftermarket parts unless you provided for those in additional coverage in your insurance. It is really their discretion whether they cover that or not and at what value. I have a friend of mine that had full coverage on a car that burnt down and he didn't get any aftermarket value from his insurance.

    I would hit their insurance up for replacement value on the car. When I got in an accident the other guy's insurance paid retail value of the mods to get the car back to the way it was. Your own insurance is probably not going to do that even though USAA is awesome. I have them.
  21. Holc13WRX

    Holc13WRX Supporting Member

    Do you have reciepts that you can give them?
  22. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    Your insurance or is this the insurance company for the other driver? Anybody issued citations? We have a resident insurance guru on here.
  23. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    My insurance, just started dealing with theirs. No tickets but the police report says the semi truck driver was at fault.
  24. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    How were there no tickets with a rear ending accident?! The semi should have gotten one for something...weird.
  25. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    I can't believe there wasn't a ticket issued either. If it is your insurance covering it then the aftermarket stuff will depend on their policies. Policies change all the time and are different between carriers. I haven't dealt with aftermarket parts and my insurance in awhile, but the last time I dealt with a stolen vehicle manuals were also accepted as proof if I did not have the receipts. That was over 10 years ago though.

    That said if the other driver's insurance is accepting fault (assumption) they are responsible for the damage and you don't have to accept any offers that you don't find fair. Hopefully the bonkers duck will chime in with his insurance expertise.
  26. Holc13WRX

    Holc13WRX Supporting Member

    I find this strange as well. I have been hit 3 times, and every time the person at fault was cited...
  27. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    not driving with you any time soon. :p
  28. Holc13WRX

    Holc13WRX Supporting Member

    :rofl: Right?! I've got shit luck I guess. I'm thankful for the last one. It's the one that pushed me over the edge to get the wrx. I was sick of getting hit in my 350 z.

    2 of the 3 they said they couldn't see me.
  29. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    Ya I have no idea why he wasn't ticketed.
  30. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    Engine drive train looked in great shape, I want to bit let it go to auction
  31. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Well least with a WRX they can hear ya if you mod the exhaust!
  32. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    No sh*t right!?!

    Well decided not to part out the car, but only sell as a whole when I do:)
  33. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    The bad thing is I'm not able to stay in the subaru community, the new ones are not what I'm looking for.
  34. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    That what I did. I could've made twice as much but shipping and packaging sand collecting is a royal pain. Sold it all mostly for much less headache. Zero regrets!
  35. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    Ya, how ever buys it will make a lot if they part it out.
  36. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    Who ever*
  37. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    I will be making a FS thread soon
  38. Kevin

    Kevin Member

    Just need a few more post:)
  39. LoveMyNewSoob

    LoveMyNewSoob Member

    man, that really sucks! welcome though! where in WA you from? I grew up in Pullman.

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