New image gallery website

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by feelthebreak, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. feelthebreak

    feelthebreak Member

    I finished a website I have been working on this month the other day. I would really appreciate any of you guys on other forums to spread the word. Upload photos of your car to post to forums or link anywhere and also rate the photos on the website. Let me know what you think. Working hard to start bringing in some traffic.
  2. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    very clean layout, although i'm wondering why it's built to 640x480 spec? also, it may be more enticing to the first time visitor to see some eye candy (new imgs section) above the make list, or moreover, a large "image of the day" above the make list. just something to spice up the landing page a bit.

    i would definitely use actual logos for the make page titles as well ( )

    definitely get yourself a privacy and legal usage links on the footer to cover your ass ;)

    i'm digging the concept though, very nice. good luck with it.
  3. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    ^^^ Agree!


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