hey all... i know it's been quite a while, things have been busy to say the least (if anyone here even remembers me being here before lol). I just spoke with a friend at work who knows a guy with over 4000 acres in lexington (near athens). nearly 1500 of it is setup for ATVs... but, this guy is VERY open to the idea of creating a rally track as long as he would have people there almost every weekend. he currently charges ATV's (with waiver) about 25$ for the whole day. he has a river nearby, showers, cabins to rent, concessions, etc. now, before i go talk to this guy myself, i want to get some specs (having lunch with seigel tomorrow, prob ask him, too). obviously i will recommend a clear-cut area (i.e. no trees, no boulders), but how wide should it be? how long (i,m thinking circuit, not true point A to B rally style)?. also how many people here would reliably go there at least a couple times a month? this may be pie-in-the-sky, but i think it would ROCK to have a low-fee rally course that people could go to on the weekends. hell, i'd be there a few times a month myself. before you ask, i'll tell you i don't know if he's open to doing tarmac, but i will ask. let me know your thoughts, thanks!
id be down for at least once a month. i love off roading the rex. since i moved to atl i dont get to do that much anymore. keep us updated.
Yeah I could definately see a 1-2/month g2g for it. But I would want a well groomed circuit, much like what the dirt trackers use. Sounds like you're talking about Durhamtown.
with the tein flex, the off roading has been taken out of my car... i'll definitely come hang out but i wont run
It would have to be a veeeery smooth dirt track in order for me to even consider running it. In five years, well probably a different story...
I would definitely be down for a dirt track. I can't say how much i would make it until I get to try it once and see how it is. Honestly, if your friend is thinking about doing this. I would suggest a large (decent sized parking lot) sized opening of flat dirt. Set up some cones, just like a rally cross. I have been wanting to take my car off road since the day I got it so I would definitely be down for a fun day of playing in the dirt.
i'd be down to some rallying(sp?) especially before i lower and put wider rims on it....or i guess i could swap out to stockers...but a lowered suspension would suck in dirt...like milo said...
Exactly a nice FLAT dirt area would be great, although, still would probably be a bitch on the paint job....
I would be up for a rally x once a mounth or every two mounths in the Legacy. I've been wanting to buy a beater for this very reason. Maybe a 240sx our something.
anyone know of any local evo (and other local rally) forums off the top of their head? i want to get as many people's input on this as possible. thanks for the feedback so far
You should look at the rally park they have in japan, its set up so you can make different configs every day if you wanted to. It is in a magazine I have at home, but can't remember which one. I'll get back to you on that tonight. I would be up for it at least once a month.
local evo board at http://www.evolutionse.com/ the guys seem pretty friendly... their president signed up on our site to say wassup
It would have to be a very fine and powdery dirt/dust for me to run in it. Sounds promising though, let us know what comes of it.
this is kinda weak... i've got 5 people across 4 different forums saying they would go and drive on a course like this. i'm gonna need a lot more to present any kind of proposal to this guy... so far it doesn't look like it's happening. i tried.
ill rent my car out. lol i got a lil private track in south ga i go to 5 times a year. but was looking for something closer. im just glad im not a worry wart about my paint. i benn mud boggen and everything.lol i love off roading the car. its what it was ment for in my eyes.aint nothing like driftin in the dirt!!!!! i still want to go atving up there sometime. maybe we could do a atv g2g and peep the situation? have a cookout and the works.
Monk, You REALLY should inform the Atlanta Region SCCA people about this potential Rally spot and let them run with it as they have more resources and know-how to get the ball rolling. www.soloatlanta.com would be a good place to start.