New to wrx engines

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by 904svo, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. 904svo

    904svo New Member

    I'm the proud owner of a Porsche 904 kit car since 1995. For the last couple
    of years I had trouble getting my car to pass emission testing. I was running
    a Porsche 914 air cooled engine which had a hard time passing the TSO test.

    I then mind up to stop having trouble with inspection. I then called Allpro and
    bought a 2007WRX engine. I got a great deal from them!!!! After i installed
    the engine and got rid of all the DTC's, I had the car tested for emission,it
    failed!! WTF they told me the readiness test did not pass. I then bought a
    scanner and check the readiness test, it was showing 4 of the 6 test were
    not ready. With the help of Brandon at Allpro I was able to get the tests to
    pass. What a pain in the ASS it was!!!!

    So now I have my car passing all the ODB2 test. I was surprise at how much
    power that the engine has and how smooth it runs.
  2. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Guessing this is one of Beck's kits? post up some pics of the car
  3. superhawk28

    superhawk28 Member

    Breel look down in the Allpro's there.

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