October Dyno Day

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by AthensWRX, Aug 30, 2005.


October Dyno Day

Poll closed Sep 29, 2005.
  1. Saturday, October 8

    1 vote(s)
  2. Saturday, October 15

    12 vote(s)
  1. AthensWRX

    AthensWRX Member

    Well I was thinkin... I'm sure everybody has had a nice little while since the last dyno day to install some new goodies. Also, we have a lot of new guys. Could we look into an October dyno day? Maybe the 8th or the 15th... those are my votes. Let's make it happen!
  2. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    my vote is for the 15th, curious what the difference will be in mine since i had a bad injector last time.
  3. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    what a coincidence.... im already working on setting it up for early to mid october :bigthumb:... will fix it and post details
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Yay, keep us posted.
  5. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    where are we going to dyno this time?
  6. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    Im Down
  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

  8. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    so basically jsut go and do 3 pulls? how do these work? im down
  9. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    I'll go as long as it's not on the weekend of the 8th. ;)

    Road Atlanta > dyno time
  10. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    should be 2-3 pulls depending on how many people show up... traditionally, proce has been $40... i'll post details in a new thread when we finalize things...
  11. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I am down, I added a poll to this thread. Place your votes.
  12. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i voted 15th since it looks like more people can show up then... i need to make sure they're available that day... will finalize by this weekend
  13. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    i voted the 15th since im going to be out of town the 8th.
  14. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    makes two of us, my bro will be home from germany, i got to go try his monte. i might be able to get it in the 1\8, but i'm guessing he will destroy me in the 1/4. now around the twisties and on wet pavement is a whole nother story.
  15. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    Hey guys.. if there is enough interest I have been thinking of having not only a WRXatl dyno day / get together, but a tuning day aswell. Ofcourse the price will depend on how many people are interested in geting their car tuned but I can guarantee it will be less than the normal price.

    Lemme know if anyone is interested.
  16. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    sounds like a great idea
  17. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    hmm I've got a line on some cheap Ecutek for when I get the ride back, so I might be up for a tuning day, but definately at least a dyno day.

    I can go either day but voted for the 15th since that'll give me more time to get the car back, get it broken back in, and then get it tuned before the dyno day.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2005
  18. SwampLandRex

    SwampLandRex Member

    tuning im down :naughty:
    how long would it take to get it done?
  19. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    i voted for 15th im gonna go do some pulls, would do a tune but i dont have engine management :(
  20. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    15th seems to be a good day so far
  21. AthensWRX

    AthensWRX Member

    ok, looks like we're going with the 15th if that day is open at topspeed
  22. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

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