arg, as if the club didnt have enough car mishaps, im here to add another. as of yesturday afternoon i have a massive dent in my rear quarter panel and part of the door. my father was bakcing my mothers van up and smashed right into my baby :wtc:. well, now that i have a dented front fender and smashed rear i was wishing, emphasis on the wishing, to go with a wide body kit, the problem is is that there dont seem to be any readilly available kits here in the US. does anyone know how easy it woul dbe for topspeed to get a burn-up or l'aun sport? or does anyone know about the gimmie gears wide body, it looks good to me but i have heard bad things, but that was one persons opinion. Alex/WRX-WRC
I know Porter can get some of the l'aun sport stuff. I asked him about the WRC Hood and said he can get it. Aside from that, try calling fourstarmotorsports. Ask for Dan. He has some of the WRC Replica stuff, not sure if it is for the 04-05 or bugeye though. He is in Canada, so 1 he speaks English, and 2 shipping won't be as bad as having something imported from Japan.
Hmm, if you get super wide wheels, you can take it off sweet jumps like the WRC cars do! We'll get a picture of that dent soon for ya.
damn sorry to hear bout your baby getting hit. my mom has done this to me before in past cars. hope you get a wide body though ive never seen one in person an a wrx.
yeah, maybe i should just roll the rears when they get fixed and get wide fronts, hmm, idk. i need to check javids car out again.
javid has the charge speed front bumber and fenders. I is about 1" wider on each side. You would be getting into alot of expense. Wider wheels, wider tires, paint, etc. It would be pimp though on a bugeye.
sorry to hear the news Alex. Hopefully you can resolve it and make the car look pretty hot in the process