Finally got around to ordering the first proper mod. I was initially going for the AccessPort, but with lots of people having issues with stalling with the new maps, I decided to wait it out. So ordered a catted Helix DP from Gruppe-S; they matched the $379 shipped another vendor offered so went with them. Should be here next week, so maybe I'll get around to installing it next weekend... still need to install the temp sensor for my oil temp gauge too. Been too damn busy with school lately to do anything other than driive it!
You know, I'm torn on the uppipe... it makes sense to install one when doing a DP, but I'm not sure I'll even bother with one. I know I'll do full turboback (adding the EVo2 catback to the Helix DP) and engine management, but not 100% sure on the UP at this point. Convince me.
well, if you're going to be raising boost at all over stock, you'll really need/want to get rid of the cat in the uppide for safety reasons. not to mention that it seriously helps out in the boost response
Do you really want to chance having chunks of a ceramic cat trying to go through the exhaust housing of your turbo???
The cheapest UP for you would be to buy a STi UP. Obviously not the crem de la creme, but it points you in a forward direction and is very well machined.
I've heard about cat failure taking out the turbo too, but there was a long discussion on NASIOC or ClubWRX about it, and it seems to be very very very uncommon. I'd mostly get an UP to spool a bit faster... How much does the STi one run?
for the most part all brands prices are pretty simular. $200 for regular, $275 for a flex style pipe(which I recommend). I have a PDE flex uppipe and couldn't be happier. Quicker spool-up, and the turbo is loud as hell now...(could be cuz of the downpipe though, not sure). From what I've read, there supposed to add 8 or so Hp. Not sure since I did up/down/axelback and switched to AP stage 2 all at the same time. Not sure if the flex is necessary, but Porter's reasoning is usually dead on. I recommend getting them both installed at the same time, you have to take the downpipe out to get to the up... If I remember right, Gruppe-s had an up/down combo for pretty cheap. Any other questions I'd call Porter at Topspeed, he'll treat ya right.
Got my Helix-flex from Gruppe-S for $199. I believe they have a discount if you buy both Helix UP/DP from them. You could just take one Saturday/Sunday and gut your stock one. Or if you don't want any down time, I have my stock one sitting around if you want to buy that from me, then you can gut it at your own pace, then put it on and sell your stocker for the same amount. Craig
Here is a helix uppipe at ebay: I got mines from ebay. I had to replace my pipe because the heat shield had crack.
i think i may go with the crucial UP/DP combo, it just seems the best with the ceramic coating. any inside opinions or advice? JUST ORDERED EVO2 CAT-BACK YESTERDAY!
Turbo XS Personally I like the TurboXS upipe better than the rest, its cast so it has better heat retention which means faster spool times. Matt If you can wait though, soon there will be an ultra affordable gt30r-gt35r turbo kit available. It will have the Upipe, Downpipe, and the Turbo. Cheap cheap Shhhh dont tell anyone yet. But its coming from a local source.
yea..up pipe is a necessity!! it is just as if not more important to do the uppipe vs stated before the uppipe cat can cause problems if it will really be restricting yourself for future mods by not upgrading it..personnally i think the uppipe should be the first mod for anyone with a wrx for both safety and performance reasons
heres one for $99 bux..doesnt look half bad either here is one from Invidia..$129..i will say invidia has some of the best quality products i have ever seen..My turboback is is a beautiful piece of art.. anyways here is the linky