People suck and I need an AP

Discussion in 'Latest Spin Forum Archive' started by moose, Jul 1, 2005.

  1. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    So the guy I was getting an AP from finally responds to my email asking WTF... turns out he let his buddy borrow it for a "couple weeks" but was gonna email me when he got it back. :rolleyes:

    Anybody local wants to part with one, let me know ASAP... or I'll just order one tomorrow.
  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Did Ron (Radon) sell his off his wagon?
  3. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

  4. BlueBox

    BlueBox Member

    Call Balanced and see if they have one in. They are sort of scared of Subaru's but are a vendor. It's worth a phone call.
  5. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Got a phone # handy?
  6. BlueBox

    BlueBox Member

    nah.. have the cards at work.. but it's less than a mile away. I'll go by in the morning and just ask for it. The site of my little blue wagon may scare 'em though...

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