Photo shoot

Discussion in 'Art & Photography' started by flat4ever666, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    Hey guys im trying to build my portfolio, looking for some hot cars to have a shoot with. you will be compensated with photos for yourself and good company. PM me and let me know when your available.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2008
  2. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    sounds interesting...time and place???
  3. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    Im open to any day anytime. i would prefer, night shots in a parking deck. thats easiest. or "magic hour" which is only like an hour before sunset so i guess im looking for nighttime in a parking deck.
  4. dubs04wrx

    dubs04wrx Member

    I just pm'ed you..

    here she is. but I added a lip

  5. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    i'd be down, pm me
  6. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    I would be interested in helping you with the photo shoot (from the photography side). If I can get some new wheels and get my springs on, my car might not make a bad addition to the shoot either...
  7. tybalt6691

    tybalt6691 Member

    I dont know if I have what you need but I think I have a clean azz 02. Only tasteful subttle mods.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2008
  8. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    I have a baller ass A4 that got me a chicks number last night.....can I come?
  9. tybalt6691

    tybalt6691 Member

    WTH? Terrance when did you pick it up?
  10. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    I'm in let me know when.
  11. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    I'm mostly stock in appearance but I'd be happy to volunteer after a good detail.
  12. WRXbryanATL

    WRXbryanATL Member

    Im interested, time & place?
  13. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    hey guys thanks for all the responses, ive been talking to dubs and i think im going to shoot him and some of his friends on sunday. i got Strayen thats in for tonight so if anyone is availible tonight lets do it. Anything and everything is welcome. Put up times to you can meet tonight. possibly lenox>?
  14. WRXbryanATL

    WRXbryanATL Member

    Id be down for sunday but im going to be in florida at the UF homecoming game and gator growl. :(
  15. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    Not tonight but any time this weekend will work. My roomate also has a crazy de sol.
    Let me know.

  16. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    i have an 04 wagon if you are looking for different and i have a buddy with a slammed s2000 thats yellow with green wheels that slick...

    let me know
  17. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    Russ you know you welcome whenever man.
  18. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    hey guys im going to do some shoots with my car tonight instead of going to the meet. if anyone wants to join me i will be at the lenox parking lot next to the cheesecake factory around 8:30 im in a silver buyeye wagon.
  19. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    FYI there isn't a cheesecake factory at lenox square mall.

    but there is one at perimeter mall
  20. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    oh yea my bad, i meant phipps, sorry im stil new to the area.
  21. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    not one at phipps either
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2008
  22. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    i retract the fact of claiming a cheesecake factory. the top parking lot at phipps
  23. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    im available to shoot tomorrow at lenox if ya want
  24. WRXbryanATL

    WRXbryanATL Member

    post pics from tonight :D
  25. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    got some pics up tonight and yerrow im free whenever tomorrow, let me know what your schedule is.
  26. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    i'll be at lenox all day and get off at 5.

    what time would you be available?
  27. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    im available all day. i could meet you over there whenever or where ever. just let me know what you want to do. me and eugene found some nice places last night so thats a good area
  28. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    you have pm
  29. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    doing some night shots at lenox tonight (friday 10/24) anyone else want to come and maybe get some group shots...? meeting at 8:30 in front of macy's
  30. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    On my way

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